Re: JSFTemplating: creating a project with jsf templating - newbie questions

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 22:11:55 -0800

Michael Phoenix wrote:
Thanks for the information. Let me make sure I understand. All that I need to use JSF Templating in a new project is to put the jsf templating and jsf templating dynafaces jar, along with any Ui components I chose to use under WEB-INF\lib. Is that correct"
I want to be able to use NetBeans to run and debug my projects. Currently I can only do builds on the command-line. The build scripts with the demo application like the JSF Templating scripts are extremely complicated and, from my limited experience with ant, not very standard. I have been unable to get the jsf templating build to work under NetBeans and nobody has responded to my post with reqards as to how to figure out why this problem occurs or how to debug the build script/NetBeans configuration. I assume that this means nobody has any more clue than I, concerning what the problem is. As the demo build script is similar to jsf templating build script, it is likely that it would have similar problems. To the best of my knowledge the product of the jsf templating build is not executable on its own, building it outside of NetBeans is not a problem. However, if I build an jsft application, I'm going to want to be able to use my IDE's debugging capabilities, which requires it be runnable under the IDE.
I will defer to Anissa to provide some more detailed instructions on how to do this.  As she mentioned in her email, she's been doing this for quite some time and is very experienced with it.  Others have more recently started using NB to do their development as well.


From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen@Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 21:51:04 -0800
Subject: Re: JSFTemplating: creating a project with jsf templating - newbie questions

Michael Phoenix wrote:
> I'm starting to play around with jsf templating and needed
> clarification on what you would need to do to be able to use jsf
> templating in a brand new project using an IDE for web applications
> such as NetBeans. I noticed that the tutorial references to Creator
> components says that you need to put them in a lib folder under
> WEB_INF. Is this for any project or just "demo"?
The references to "Creator Components" are in reference to JSF
"Components".  This documentation explains how to use the JSF
"Components" that are bundled with Creator.  Components allow you to
place tables, trees, text fields, drop down lists, etc.  on your page to
build your application.  The "components" files are needed by any
application that wants to use those components.

If you do not want to use any extra components, you may use the JSF
standard components as documented by any JSF book or online
documentation.  For example <h:inputText .../>, <h:form />, <h:dataTable
/>, etc.  If you do this, you only need the jar files that are in the
"dist" directory of JSFTemplating.  Right now that includes the
"dynafaces" jar file, but this may not be needed in the future...
> I looked at the demo/WE-INF/lib directory and noticed that it
> contained a number of jar files. Which of these are specific to the
> demo appplicai\tion and which would be needed in another JSF
> Templating project?
See my blog entry at:

This explains which jar files are used for what.  The "demo" application
also has an "app.jar" also which contains classes specific to the
application.  You may use the "demo" applicatoin as a template for
building your own custom applications since it has the build files setup
and contains almost no extra code.  You can remove the component jar
files if you don't need them.
> Do your jar files have to be in this specific path or are you OK just
> having them in your project's libraries folder?
For Java EE web applications, jar files must be in the WEB-INF/lib
> I'm assuming that webui-jsf.jar and webui-jsf-suntheme.jar are ui
> component archives, are there other jars that are required with them?
> Is there anything else, besides the requirements for setting up a JSF
> project, that is required for a project using JSF Templating?
Putting the jsftemplating.jar file into the WEB-INF/lib directory is all
that is required to setup JSFTemplating (if you have JSF already
setup).  For now, you must also include the "dynafaces" jar file that is
in the "dist" directory.
> I would suggest that a quick guide to setting up projects using JSF
> Templating should be part of your collection of tutorials. If it is
> and I just missed it please give me a little quidance as to where to
> find it.

The first tutorial "Setup Tutorial" is supposed to do this.  Perhaps it
doesn't clearly state that the "demo" app is supposed to be a template
for a JSFTemplating app.  Or explain what each file is used for.

If you'd like to modify these files to add clarification, please do! :)
Feel free to merge in any information from by blog about what the files
are for, or add your own ideas.  Just run it by this email alias before
you check in any changes.  You can edit these files at:


> Thanks,
> Mike