Re: JSFTemplating: Table data not showing up

From: Karam Singh Badesha <Karam.Badesha_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 10:53:17 -0800

This is not going to work for me as this handler takes input some
pageSession variables which gets created in beforeCreate event which
also gets updated with the ajax requests. I currently have couple of
drop downs which use ajax to update each other and then there is a
button. When a user presses that button, I need to recreate the table
(after page refresh). So I am using "command" event to call the handler
in the button and I expect it to refresh the table after the reload, but
it doesn't work. Here is my button:


So how can I make this work.


Ken Paulsen wrote:
> I assume you are calling your handler this in a "beforeCreate" event?
> Try moving the handler to an <!initPage /> event at the top of the page:
> <!initPage
> yourHandler(...);
> />
> Unlike "beforeCreate", "initPage" gets invoked every time the page is
> refreshed. You can probably move your List into a request attribute
> when you take this approach b/c you will be regenerating the data
> every request.
> I hope this helps!
> Ken
> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>> Found out what is happening here. Basically on my initial page load,
>> there was no data for the table. Now when I select some other entries
>> and click on a button, it is refreshing the page, but the table still
>> shows the old data (in this case, nothing). I tried the default so
>> that some data shows up and after resubmitting with different data,
>> it doesn't refresh. Can this problem be solved? I need the fix by Mon
>> as I need to demo this to our team.
>> thanks
>> Karam
>> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Here is the what I had when the code was working fine:
>>> Table data was hardcoded in the handler was passing a list of
>>> HashTable/Map entries. The values is passed back and set as a
>>> pageSession variable. Here is corresponding jsf code:
>>> <sun:tableRowGroup
>>> id="rowGroup1"
>>> data={"$pageSession{table1DataList}"}
>>> sourceVar="tRow"
>>> >
>>> Now, I am getting the data from the database in the handler and can
>>> print the data fine in the handler, so I am assuming the data is
>>> getting fed into the same list of HashTable/Map entries fine. But
>>> nothing is showing up on the Table. Any idea why this might be
>>> happening?
>>> Here is the corresponding handler code:
>>> @Handler(id="getTable1Data",
>>> input={
>>> @HandlerInput(name="lavaVersion", type=String.class),
>>> @HandlerInput(name="buildVersion", type=String.class),
>>> @HandlerInput(name="lavaProject", type=String.class)},
>>> output={
>>> @HandlerOutput(name="table1Data", type=java.util.List.class)
>>> })
>>> public static void fetchTable1Data(HandlerContext context) {
>>> System.out.println("In fetchTable1Data...");
>>> String lava = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaVersion");
>>> String build = (String) context.getInputValue("buildVersion");
>>> String project = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaProject");
>>> List t1Data = new ArrayList();
>>> try {
>>> System.out.println("In fetchTable1Data try block...");
>>> DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer();
>>> CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getFirstLevelUsageStats(lava,
>>> build, project);
>>> RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl)
>>> crs.getMetaData();
>>> int count = rsmd.getColumnCount();
>>> System.out.println("Column count is: " +
>>> rsmd.getColumnCount());
>>> int rows = 0;
>>> while( {
>>> System.out.println("In while loop: " + rows);
>>> Map rEntries = new Hashtable();
>>> for(int i=1;i<=count;i++)
>>> {
>>> System.out.println(crs.getObject(i));
>>> rEntries.put("col" +i, crs.getObject(i).toString());
>>> }
>>> t1Data.add(rows,rEntries);
>>> rows++;
>>> }
>>> System.out.println("Table rows: " + rows);
>>> } catch(SQLException e) {
>>> e.printStackTrace();
>>> }
>>> // Set the output.
>>> context.setOutputValue("table1Data", t1Data);
>>> }
>>> thanks
>>> Karam