I need to fill in a blank.
Your example:
<staticText value="#{requestScope.stVal}"> <!beforeCreate
setAttribute(key="stVal" value="Hello!"); /> </staticText>
What if I want to get the value that is stored in an Oracle 10g database
that is accessible in a bean or POJO?
I'm drawing a blank on getting data from a database into a dynamic
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 3:05 PM
To: dev_at_jsftemplating.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: JSFTemplating: Questions about backing beans and do I still
use the faces-config.xml?
Todd Patrick wrote:
> One thing I absolutely believe is a waste of space is how SJSC2 has
> create four .java files per page.
I agree! :)
> There really no need to create a java file for an ApplicationBean,
> Page, RequestBean and SessionBean. I assume I don't need my bean to
> extend com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.AbstractPageBean, since the
> appbase.jar is not a requirement.
That is correct... there is no need to do this.
> So how does the backend work?
This is very flexible. You can do what Creator does (obviously you're
not going to). You can follow most of the JSF book recommendations and
use one or more "backing beans" -- similar to Creator although perhaps
more organized. Or, you can create dynamic objects and use handlers for
processing requests (my recommendation).
To create objects on the fly, you can use handlers. There are 4 events
that can help you do this:
1) beforeCreate -- This event is fired before the UIComponent in which
it is defined is instantiated. Useful for executing code (such as
accessing your data) before the UIComponent is created, you can then
refer to that data when creating the UIComponent. Example:
<staticText value="#{requestScope.stVal}"> <!beforeCreate
setAttribute(key="stVal" value="Hello!"); /> </staticText>
2) afterCreate -- Same as above, except it happens after the UIComponent
is created (after factory is called). The example above will still work
because #{} expressions are deferred. However, if the example above was
written using $attribute{stVal} it would work for beforeCreate, but not
afterCreate. The following should *not* work w/ afterCreate:
<staticText value="$attribute{stVal}">
setAttribute(key="stVal" value="This doesn't work, change to
beforeCreate or #{} expression!"); /> </staticText>
3) beforeEncode -- This happens during rendering. Because rendering in
JSFTemplating is *not* controlled by JSFTemplating (it allows the
UIComponents to render themselves). This event is only possible w/
JSFTemplating based components. Currently this requires you to add an
<event> component to get it to work -- I will be hiding this
implementation detail in the future. This event is particularly useful
for changing things during rendering (not possible w/o JSFTemplating).
The first example again should work.
4) initPage -- Very much like beforeCreate, however, this event gets
invoked during creation *AND* during page refreshes (in the restore view
phase). This allows you to restore transient data (like request
attributes in the examples above). If you place a button on the examples
above and click the button, you'll notice the data disappears (only if
you used #{}, ${} expressions store the value on the UIComponent). If
you don't want your data to disappear, use this event type and it will
get restored each request. The disadvantage to this event is that it is
*ONLY* available at the page level. This means you must place it outside
all other tags. So it is not good for component-specific handlers:
setAttribute(key="stVal" value="Hello!"); /> <staticText
value="#{requestScope.stVal}" />
> May I just create a simple bean that is serializable and create a
> manage bean reference in my faces-config.xml?
Yes. This works just fine.
Good luck!
> Thanks,
> --Todd