Re: jsftemplating if expressions

From: Mike Wright <Michael.A.Wright_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 13:25:43 -0700

Hi Ken,

    Thanks for the examples. I now have a working page (and I found an
unrelated bug where I'm not setting the properties on every including page)!

Ken Paulsen wrote:
> Hi Mike, see comments below...
> Mike Wright wrote:
>> Hi Ken,
>>    Thanks for fix the <!if> problem.  I've made some progress:
>>> <!if #{sessionScope.hasTypeColumn}>
>>> "<br />has type
>>> </!if>
>>> "<br/>else
>>> <!if !#{sessionScope.hasTypeColumn}>
>>> "<br />has no type
>>> </!if>
>> produces:
>>> has type
>>> else
>> on the page after the variable is set to $boolean{true}, and produces:
>>> else
>>> has no type
>> on the pages when the variable is set to $boolean{false}.  Good so far.
>> However, when I try to do a string comparison, strange things 
>> happen.  I've set a table type on three top-level pages, e.g.
>>> setSessionAttribute(key="sharedTableType", value="deployments")
>> (or "bindingsEngines" or "libraries"), but when I try to check this 
>> value:
>>> <!if #{sessionScope.sharedTableType} == "deployments" >
>>> "<br />TBD call listServiceAssemblies("domain")
>>> </!if>
>> I get nothing as if this always evaluates to false. If I add "<br 
>> />#{sessionScope.sharedTableType}" I get the expected String 
>> displayed (it is set).
>> BTW, originally I tried a single "=" as you described in a previous 
>> e-mail, but that didn't work (I expect that this was a
>> typo like the </if> typos, where only </!if> is expected).  This is 
>> why running examples are much better than
>> (untestable, typo-prone) e-mails.   Anyway, at some point, some 
>> variation I tried resulted in a:
> A single '=' is correct (my current parsing is limited to single 
> character operators).  See attached example.
> This example shows the use of '&' (logical AND), '!' (logical NOT), 
> and '=' (String equals).  If you run it, you can follow the messages 
> on the screen to see the 3 different 'if' branches.
>>> com.sun.el.parser.ParseException: Encountered "=" at line 1, column 32.
>>> Was expecting one of:
>>>      "}" 
>> ...
>>>     "=="
>> ...
>> so I switched to using "==" (or is there some other syntax I should 
>> be using)?
>> . If I try something like this (moving the closing curly brace 
>> outside the comparison):
>>> <!if #{sessionScope.sharedTableType == "deployments"} >
>>> "<br />TBD call listServiceAssemblies("domain")
>>> </!if>
>> Depending on the variable's contents, I get all sorts of information 
>> on the screen, that looks like javascript generated for the woodstock 
>> table component
>> used above the <!if> in the .jsf file, or I get the rest of the page 
>> truncated and the server.log shows:
> The #{...} is standard EL syntax.  It must follow EL rules.
>>>  java.uti.regex.PatternSyntaxException:
>>> Illegal repitition near index 0
>>> #{sessionScope.sharedTableType
>>> ^
>> Trying to reverse engineer the <!if> expression syntax is taking up 
>> too much time.  Can you please provide some more detailed examples or 
>> tests showing the syntax for <!if> expressions?  It would be very 
>> helpful to commit some samples to the jsftemplating project.  I would 
>> do it, if I had any working examples.
> The Strings / boolean variables can be whatever you want using #{} or 
> ${} expressions.  The operators follow the example I have attached and 
> the (undecipherable) email messages.  Here are some more boolean 
> equation examples (see also moreIfs.jsf, attached):
> true
> !false
> foo=foo
> 33<100
> 1111\>9
> 13%5 = 3
> 13%5 = 3
> (13%5 \> 1) | false
> !(13%5 < 1) & true
> These all evaluate to "true".
> Feel free to post these! ;)
> Ken
>> Regards,
>> Mike
>    <sun:html>
>	<sun:head id="head" />
>	<sun:body>
>	    <sun:form id="form">
>		"<p>&nbsp;</p>
>		<!if $attribute{in} & ! ($attribute{in} = abc) >
>		    "<b>You typed: #{in}, try typing: abc</b>
>		</if>
>		<!if !$attribute{in}>
>		    "<b>Type something and click 'Go!'</b>
>		</if>
>		<!if $attribute{in}=abc>
>		    "<b>Congratulations! You did it!</b>
>		</if>
>		"<br /><br />
>		<sun:textField id="in" value="#{}" />
>		"<br /><br />
>		<sun:hyperlink text="Go!" />
>	    </sun:form>
>	 </sun:body>
>     </sun:html>
> </sun:page>
>    <sun:html>
>	<sun:head id="head" />
>	<sun:body>
>	    <sun:form id="form">
>		"<br /><br />
>		<!if true>
>		    "true<br />
>		</if>
>		<!if !false>
>		    "!false<br />
>		</if>
>		<!if (true & (!(true & false) | (!true & false))) | false>
>		    "(true & (!(true & false) | (!true & false))) | false<br />
>		</if>
>		<!if foo=foo>
>		    "foo=foo<br />
>		</if>
>		<!if 33<100>
>		    "33<100<br />
>		</if>
>		# NOTE: \ is required before '>' so if isn't terminated early
>		<!if 1111\>9>
>		    "1111>9<br />
>		</if>
>		<!if 13%5 = 3>
>		    "13%5 = 3<br />
>		</if>
>		<!if 13%5 = 3>
>		    "13%5 = 3<br />
>		</if>
>		<!if (13%5 \> 1) | false>
>		    "(13%5 > 1) | false<br />
>		</if>
>		<!if !(13%5 < 1) & true>
>		    "!(13%5 < 1) & true<br />
>		</if>
>	    </sun:form>
>	 </sun:body>
>     </sun:html>
> </sun:page>