Session timeout causing problems with fireAjaxTransaction

From: Judd Kirby <>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2008 15:28:52 +1100

Hi All,
Hope you can help, I've been having some issues with session timeout and
fireAjaxTransaction. I was going to comment on issue #90
( however
have not been approved as an observer yet so I thought I'd try the
mailing list. I have posted the issue on the forums
( and
have copied the details below. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
 I'm working with Visual Web Pack and Glassfish v2ur2. I'm currently
having an issue with the dynafaces events.

There is a filter set up to check session authentication on all page
calls. If the session has timed out, a redirect to the login page is
returned. This obviously doesn't cause any problems when the session is
active, and the dynafaces works exactly as wanted. However, when the
session times out, the next subsequent AJAX call causes the page to
render inconsistently, mainly that all CSS styles are removed from some
of the buttons.

It appears that the fireAjaxTransaction is receiving the login page as
the response which is causing the issue. As a possible solution I tried
to set up methods on the replaceElement and postReplace options, hoping
to parse the response for an identifier that it was the login page and
then redirect from the javascript if so. However, the callback functions
work fine if the session is active, but stop getting called as soon as
the session becomes inactive, therefore I cant tell if the return value
is invalid.

Any help would be appreciated.
