I have a simple custom jsf component that does not have a specific renderer,
e.g. getRenderType looks like this:
public class PrintTag extends HtmlComponentTagBase {
public String getRendererType() {
return null;
The result of this is that UIComponentBase runs this line:
if (renderer == null) {
getFacesContext().getExternalContext().log("No Renderer found
for component " + getClientId(context) + " (component-family=" + getFamily()
+ ", renderer-type=" + rendererType + ")");
This fills up my log. Can anybody help me to get rid of this logging, either
in someway providing a default renderer or if it is possible to configure
JSF to not log this.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/No-Renderer-found-for-component-tp14994093p14994093.html
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