On 5/8/07, Dmitry Kushner <Dmitry.Kushner_at_sun.com> wrote:
> As I understand, specifying "none" as execute parameter in
> fireAjaxTransaction should not execute component, and component should only
> be put through render-response stage.
I don't think that's quite right. I think none on execute means it
doesn't go through the invoke application phase. If you don't want
certain inputs to be applied, you should enumerate the inputs you *do*
want updated in the 'inputs' parameter.
> What I am seeing is despite the fact that execute="none" it still puts
> request through the UpdateModelValues phase ( apparently a call from
> PartialTraversalLifecycle.execute:80)
> Is this a bug?
> --
> thank you ,
> ~ dmitry
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