I am performing some tests on the latest jsf-extensions
(jsf-extensions-0.1-rc2) inside Tomcat 6 and using the latest released
JSF 1.2. I was able to verify that the simpleDynamicFaces Web app is
working. I have started to modify my app to use the JSF extensions,
but I have experienced two issues with the framework.
The first one is related to the use of selectBooleanCheckbox
component. If I add the following component on a page:
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="testBool"
onclick="DynaFaces.fireAjaxTransaction(this, { execute: 'testBool'
I can see the testBool value updated when I click on the checkbox (the
setTestBool method is called), but if I try to click a second time,
the check in the checkbox disappears as I click in the checkbox, but
when the form is re-rendered, the check in the checkbox is redrawn. It
looks like the testBool value gets stuck on true. Can't explain why.
I have also some issues with partial rendering. Maybe because I don't
understand how it is supposed to work. But say that I define the
following components:
<h:selectOneMenu id="test"
onchange="DynaFaces.fireAjaxTransaction(this, {
execute: 'test', render: 'test', 'text' });">
<f:selectItems value="#{someBean.testItems}"/>
<h:outputText id="text" value="#{someBean.text}"/>
If I define setTest as follows:
public void setTest(String t) {
test = t;
text = t;
I would expect my page to update the display of the text outputText
field when test component value changes. But it is not the case. In
fact, as soon as I add a second component in the render section, the
whole firing sequence does not seem to take place. Even the
selectOneMenu component value does not get updated when I change its
value. The validators on the page, the setters don't get called. Not
sure why and how to troubleshoot such problem.