P.Chauhan_at_pilz.ie wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to use jsf-extensions with Java Studio Creator? And
> later I intend to deploy application in tomcat 5.5.
There is work underway to make jsf-extensions work with the Visual Web
Pack plugin to NetBeans 5.5 (the pack integrates Creator's visual design
paradigm into standard NetBeans), but it is not quite done yet.
> I tried to use jsf-extensions in JSC by coping shale, logging and jsf
> jars files (all 4 mentioned jars) in lib directory of my project in
> JSC. But it failed to deploy in Sun Java System Application Server 8
> and I also tried o deploy war in Tomcat but also didn’t work as it was
> looking for some classes (may be j2ee 5) which were most probably not
> there i.e java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> javax/faces/application/StateManagerWrapper
> So just wondering, is it possible in some way to use jsf in JSC and
> deploy application in tomcat later? If so, could you please suggest
> what I should do to make it work?
According to the JSF Extensions website, the extensions require JSF 1.2,
whereas Creator only supports JSF 1.1. You'll likely have better luck
with NB 5.5 and the Visual Web Pack, which can support JSF 1.2 based
> Thanks.