The javaone 'Auto Suggest' example..

From: Asaf S <>
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 08:04:59 -0700 (PDT)


First, must say that it looks a great project,
everything around looks VERY promising...:)

So as a getting-started for ver 0.1, I'd like to use
the 'Auto Suggest' method available under the Java-One
Looks like everything is already compiled in there,

Are the compiled classes
(ClientSuggest/ServerSuggest/etc...) are apart of some
toolkit? or they are made especially for the
presentation? it is still pretty hard to determine
what files are needed to use the ready-made

I did all the modifications required in the
configuration files, but I'm still not sure what files
are needed to be included ...

thanks and gluck :)

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