I've been trying to use the dynafaces snapshot with facelets, but
without success. Just as test I'm trying to do
<ext:ajaxZone id="zone1">
<h:form prependId="false">
<h:inputText id="in">
<f:validateLength minimum="5"/>
<h:message for="in"/>
<h:commandButton value="submit"/>
<ext:ajaxZone id="zone2">
But I don't get any AJAX functionality. Is the above code a proper usage
of <ext:ajaxZone>?
I am testing on JSF1.2_02 + facelets 1.1.10a, deploying to both tomcat
5.5.17 and glassfish. My test WAR file is at
Ninth Avenue Software
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e: info_at_ninthavenue.com.au