I'm nearly ready to go public with a screencast on this thing. I've
presented it internally to Sun twice and have received some good
I have updated the "advanced" slides on the site, and have made some
important changes in the code.
Dan Labreque, this will impact you.
M run-time/samples/cardemo/src/main/models/carDetail.graffle
M run-time/samples/cardemo/src/main/webapp/description/index.html
M run-time/samples/cardemo/src/main/webapp/description/diffs.html
M run-time/samples/cardemo/src/main/webapp/optionsPanel.jsp
M run-time/samples/jmaki/src/main/webapp/result-set.jsp
M run-time/samples/jmaki/src/main/webapp/devtime.js
M run-time/avatar/src/main/java/com/sun/faces/extensions/avatar/taglib/AjaxZoneTag.java
M run-time/avatar/src/main/java/com/sun/faces/extensions/avatar/renderkit/AjaxZoneRenderer.java
M run-time/avatar/src/main/resources/com_sun_faces_ajax.js
M run-time/avatar/src/main/resources/com_sun_faces_ajax_zone.js
M run-time/avatar/src/main/resources/jsf-ext-dynafaces.tld
M src/site/xdoc/reference-ajax.xml
Incorporate changes from presenting DynaFaces to the Sun Blueprints
team, including Ajax expert Gregory Murray.
* The following JavaScript options (and therefore JSP/Facelets attributes
on ajaxZone) have been renamed:
inspectElementHook -> inspectElement
eventHook -> collectPostData
postReplaceHook -> postReplace
replaceElementHook -> replaceElement
closureHook -> getCallbackData
* Some felt that the "new Faces.Event" syntax was not common practice
for JavaScript users. Therefore, I have provided wrapper functions to
obviate the need for people to use this syntax. The new Faces.Event
and new Faces.Command syntax will still work, however, because we do
in fact need a "new" to create the closure on which all of the AJAX
transaction hangs.
new Faces.Event -> DynaFaces.fireEvent( )
new Faces.DeferredEvent -> DynaFaces.installDeferredEvent( )
| ed.burns_at_sun.com | {home: 407 869 9587, office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640}
| homepage: | http://purl.oclc.org/NET/edburns/
| aim: edburns0sunw | iim: ed.burns_at_sun.com