Here's a recap from yesterday's email of what I'm trying to accomplish:
"'m working a user authorization administration application. On the
user management page, I have a list of users pulled from the model.
When the app user clicks on a user, I need to update four different
<h:selectManyListbox> components: assigned roles, available roles,
assigned groups, and available groups. "
And here's the markup with which I'm trying to accomplish the task,
based in part on the AJAX page on the jsf-extensions web site and a
whole of guessing:
<h:selectOneListbox id="users" size="20" style="width: 175px"
onchange="new Faces.Event(this, { render:
orm:remaining_groups' });"
<f:selectItems value="#{authBean.users}" />
But that's not generating *any* traffic that I can see. Nothing changes
on the form. No breakpoints are tripped in my IDE. What am I doing
wrong? Am I even going about this in the correct way? Do I need to
define a zone?
Jason Lee
Programmer/Analyst <>