No I didn't mention this to the JPA spec lead yet. I wanted to create a
POC first and get feedback from the Hibernate team before actually
discussing standardization within JPA.
As you already mentioned, there are many RDBMS vendors that simply don't
or just partially support CTEs. At the moment the library fails with an
exception if a feature that you use isn't supported by the RDBMS.
I don't have full EclipseLink support yet but I'd be happy to implement
it with some help.
Am 26.01.2016 um 13:34 schrieb Heiko Wagner:
> Hello Christian,
> thanks for your reply. Glad to hear that I am not the only one with
> this problem. Did you already approach the JPA spec lead/team, what
> they think about adding CTE query support to JPAQL? I know that
> current RDBMS support for CTEs strongly varies among the different
> vendors, which makes implementing a proper portable abstraction a real
> pain.
> I will take a closer look at your project soon. I am currently using
> EclipseLink. From the quick look at the github page, I am assuming
> there is also support for EclipseLink?
> Regards,
> Heiko
> Am 2016-01-26 12:36, schrieb Christian Beikov:
>> Hello,
>> I had the same problem as you did, missing support for CTEs.
>> That's one reason why I created blaze-persistence[1 <>] which implements support for CTEs for Hibernate.
>> Hope this library can help you to ease your pain in the meantime until JPA gets these features.
>> Regards,
>> Christian
>> [1]
>> Am 26.01.2016 um 10:33 <>
>>> Hi, I am currently working on a proof of concept Java SE
>>> application. I am using JPA for persintence, since I am faliliar
>>> with it from my Java EE project. I am trying to find out what would
>>> be a good solution to store directed acyclic object graphs. As far
>>> as I found out, there is no abstraction support for "CONNECT BY" /
>>> recursive CTEs in JPA. I could resort back to using native queries
>>> or drop JPA entirely in favour of a graph oriented db. Are there any
>>> condierations of providing support in JPA for this in the future?