Hello Linda,
From the JavaDoc of the newly introduced
EntityManagerFactory.addNamedQuery(String name, Query q), I am assuming
that the supplied query q is treated as a template as opposed to an
instance as far as binding parameters are concerned.
Let us consider a simple case
// we create a query
EntityManager em = ...;
Query query = em.createQuery("select p from PObject p where p.name
= :name");
// and configure it
// and bind its parameter to a specific value
query.setParameter("name", "XYZ");
// let us declare this query to the persistence unit
emf.addNamedQuery("x", query);
// after a while we recall it
EntityManager em2 = ...;
Query query2 = em2.cretaeNamedQuery("x");
// Then according to the JavaDoc the following assertions should succeed
assertTrue(query != query2); // the query we declared is a template
and hence what is recalled is essentially a new one
assertEquals(51, query2.getFirstResult()); // but the new one
retains the first result position and other configuration of the template
// but the binding parameters are not memorized i.e
try {
fail("Expected the query execution to fail because the declared
parameter [name] is not bound");
} catch (Exception ex) {
Will you please confirm if my reading of the spec in this regard is
correct or not?
Regards --
Pinaki Poddar
Chair, Apache OpenJPA Project
JPA Expert Group Member
Application & Integration Middleware