[jpa-spec users] [jsr338-experts] Current standalone TCK drop

From: Steve Ebersole <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 10:16:39 -0500

As I understand it the current TCK drop is not supposed to be final, but
I have found serious problems with it. To the point where it is
essentially unusable.

First, the signature tests are wrong. Running against the JPA API jar I
created for Hibernate testing using the latest Proposed Final Draft I
get errors that "javax.persistence.criteria.CommonAbstractQuery" is
missing from my jar. But javax.persistence.criteria.CommonAbstractQuery
was removed from the spec way back in Draft 6.

Second, I am completely unable to run any of the actual persistence
tests. Every single one of them fails in perfoming set up. The error
is always the same:

03-13-2013 01:22:19: ERROR: Map returned from emf.getProperties() was
null,this should never occur

However, it is impossible for the Hibernate EMF to return a null Map
there. So, since I can't actually debug the tests (or please I'd love
to have details on how to actually accomplish that) I fell back to
caveman debugging and put throwing exceptions as the first thing I do
inside (1) the Hibernate PersistenceProvider#createEntityManagerFactory
call and the constructor to the Hibernate EMF impl. Neither gets
triggered. So that tells me that the TCK is not even attempting to call
out to the configured "alternate provider".