Hi Linda, Mark,
> > Regarding the unique index vs unique constraint argument: A unique Index always implies a unique constraint, but not the other way around, isn't? In reality afaik most JPA providers already generate a unique index even if you only use @UniqueConstraint. Btw, I don't see adding a @Index(unique=true) making things worse. People will find out pretty soon if they defined too many indices.
> >
> I don't think it makes things worse, but I don't see that it contributes much either. I'm ok with going either way
> on this, but I'd like to get more input from others on this point though.
One might want to allow (and require) dropping the columnNames if the
name of a UniqueConstraint coincides with that of an Index and thus go
without a unique attribute for Index. This would avoid duplication and
not put too much burden on the developer.
Best regards
Rainer Schweigkoffer SAP AG Walldorf
Java Persistence TIP Core JI
Core Java Infrastructure Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
Technology & Innovation Platform D-69190 Walldorf
Building 3, I.3.14 phone: +49 6227 7 45305
rainer.schweigkoffer_at_sap.com fax: +49 6227 7 821177
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Walldorf, Germany
Vorstand/SAP Executive Board: Werner Brandt, Bill
McDermott (Co-CEO), Gerhard Oswald, Vishal Sikka,
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