[jpa-spec users] Re: [jsr338-experts] Re: JPA schema generation

From: Rainer Kwesi Schweigkoffer <>
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 09:59:45 +0200

Hi Linda, Mark,

> What I do not like is having Column names in any annotation!
> This is a really unpleasant thing in the @UniqueContraint annotation
> already! The reason I don't like this is that the name of the column
> can depend on lots of other things, like e.g. the database dictionary
> used. I know from my old DB/2 days that we only had 8 characters per
> table. Some Databases make no distinction between upper/lowercase,
> others do, etc. All this leads to getting different names when
> generating the schema for different databases. If you don't fixate
> the name via @Column then your @UniqueContraint column name strings
> ar basically almost ever broken.

actually I would expect the database indexes to very often depend on
the underlying database platform anyway, since the behaviour of
database optimizers pretty much varies from brand to brand. So, by the
way, I'd even more see them being expressed in the xml descriptors than
in annotations.

Unless, of course, we were to distinguish between logic index
definitions indicating frequent access to certain entity
attributes/attribute combinations, which then could be based on entity
attribute names and would be translated into database indexes by the
JPA provider, and database index definitions for tuning the application
on the underlying database platform, which would be based on column
names. However, I'd consider that a bit over-engineered.

Viele Grüße :-)
Rainer Schweigkoffer               SAP AG Walldorf
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