Page 72 of the JPA 2.0 specification spells out the requirements of the
EntityManager#createNamedQuery(String, Class) method:
* Create an instance of TypedQuery for executing a
* Java Persistence query language named query.
* The select list of the query must contain only a single
* item, which must be assignable to the type specified by
* the resultClass argument.[27]
Footnote 27 reads as follows:
The semantics of this method may be extended in a future release of this
specification to support other result types. Applications that specify other
result types (e.g., Tuple.class) will not be portable.
Suppose I have an interface, A. And I have a JPA-compliant @Entity class, B,
that implements A.
Is the following construct permitted by the specification?
final TypedQuery<A> q =
em.createNamedQuery("someNamedQueryReturningBInstances", A.class);
Both EclipseLink and Hibernate accept this construction. OpenJPA rejects it
It seems to me that this is a legal construct. What say the spec authors?