
[jsr338-experts] Re: API bundles and OSGi bundle activators

From: Steve Ebersole <steve.ebersole_at_redhat.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 14:06:41 -0600

Seems incorrect to have jpa-api jars register bundle activators for
specific providers. At least thats what I assume you are doing. The
bundle activator really ought to be defined within the provider
bundles. Forcing people to use particular providers merely through the
inclusion of one jpa-api jar or another just feels wrong, even if JPA
and EE (and Enterprise OSGi) do not explicitly disallow it. Now what
happens when an OSGi bundle has access to the jpa-api jar from Hibernate
and Eclipse Link and Geronimo and ... ? Thats just an ugly scenario
since some of these jpa-api jars are defining bundle activators.

To your specific question, the various containers should work in
portable manners but in practice they really often do not. Our
experience in getting Hibernate working with OSGi is that these
containers often have inconsistent expectations. Even more of a reason
for the jpa-api jars to be "clean" imo.

On 11/15/2013 10:27 AM, Kevin Sutter wrote:
> Hi,
> When we attempt to use the JPA API jar file
> (https://wikis.oracle.com/display/GlassFish/Java+EE+7+Maven+Coordinates)
> in WebSphere, the OSGi bundle activator doesn't seem to work properly.
> The WebSphere OSGi runtime is based on Apache Aries. If we use the
> JPA API jar file that the Geronimo team created
> (http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/apache/geronimo/specs/geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec/1.1/geronimo-jpa_2.0_spec-1.1.jar)
> [1], that bundle activator seems to work just fine. I'm not an expert
> with these OSGi bundle activators and I'm following up on various
> avenues. But, since I ran into this issue first with our JPA API jar
> file, I thought I would post this out to our expert group first.
> So, my question is whether the bundle activators provided by our API
> jar files are supposed to be generic enough to work with any OSGi
> provider? I notice on the EclipseLink site that we have tested this
> with the Gemini environment and possibly the Equinox environment? So,
> I'm sure they work fine with WebLogic and Glassfish.
> I guess I'm wondering what the expected pattern is. Are these
> provided bundle activators just provided as an example? And, we as
> consumers are expected to override these bundle activators to work
> with our specific environments?
> FYI, I hit this issue with our JPA API bundle, but it looks like other
> Java EE API jar files are in the same boat.
> Thanks,
> Kevin Sutter
> [1] I have noticed that the JPA 2.1 API jar file created by Geronimo
> currently doesn't contain any bundle activators, so I provided a link
> to the JPA 2.0 version of the API jar file.