
[jsr338-experts] Re: JPA TCK

From: Oliver Gierke <ogierke_at_vmware.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 12:00:33 +0100

That's great news, Linda. Thank you very much. I'll send you the details off-list.


Am 23.02.2013 um 01:18 schrieb Linda DeMichiel <linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com>:

> We expect to have a preliminary version of the JPA 2.1 TCK available
> for expert group members by the end of next week. Since the TCK is
> too large to be emailed, it will be made available on our JLE drop
> site.
> If you are not a licensee, a temporary account will need to be set up
> for you. In this case, if you need access to the TCK, you should send
> me a note requesting such access and providing the following contact
> information, which I will then pass on to the people managing the site
> to have you set up:
> Expert name
> Company Name (if not an individual)
> Address
> Phone Number
> Email Address
> -Linda

 * @author Oliver Gierke - Senior Member Technical Staff
 * @param email ogierke_at_vmware.com
 * @param phone +49-351-30929001
 * @param fax   +49-351-418898439
 * @param skype einsdreizehn
 * @see http://www.olivergierke.de