Hi all,
currently @PersistenceContext and @PersistenceUnit can not be used with constructor parameters which essentially prevents clients from being designed in an immutable way. Is there a dedicated reason this is the case? I propose to add ElementType.PARAMETER to the array of @Target for both annotations so that it can be used as follows:
class MyComponent {
private final MyDependency dependency;
private final EntityManager em;
public MyComponent(@PersistenceContext EntityManager em, MyDependency dependency) {
// null checks to fail fast
this.em = em;
this.dependency = dependency;
Especially if you're used to using constructor arguments for mandatory dependencies an EntityManager is always the odd one out, as it cannot be assigned to a final field, not handed into a constructor etc.
Essentially we could allow @PersistenceContext and @PersistenceUnit be entirely optional as the identification can be done through the type. The additional annotation would then only be necessary in case you actually want to configure something special.
* @author Oliver Gierke - Senior Member Technical Staff
* @param email ogierke_at_vmware.com
* @param phone +49-351-30929001
* @param fax +49-351-418898439
* @param skype einsdreizehn
* @see http://www.olivergierke.de