+1 for the synchronization of the properties
On 28.10.2011, at 15:33, Scott Marlow wrote:
> Recently, I have been spending a lot of time on the JBoss AS JPA container and its integration with persistence providers using the JPA SPIs. I think we have some low hanging fruit to be had, in standardizing how the persistence providers obtain a JTA transaction manager.
> I've looked at (mostly four) different persistence providers and how they have application server vendor (often version) specific integration for obtaining either the JTA TransactionManager or TransactionSynchronizationRegistry.
> To improve how persistence providers integrate with containers, I think we should introduce properties for the container to pass a TM/TSR reference to the provider. This will help reduce the amount of application server vendor specific code, needed by the different persistence providers.
> Perhaps the properties could be:
> javax.persistence.transactionmanager - JNDI name of JTA Transaction Manager or instance of JTA Transaction Manager
> javax.persistence.transactionsynchronization - JNDI name of TransactionSynchronizationRegistry or instance of TransactionSynchronizationRegistry.
> The idea being that providers should expect either a TM/TSR to be passed directly or to use a JNDI lookup name (so providers could work with EE servers that don't have a single TSR/TM to pass in but perhaps have several instances to choose from).
> What do you think?
> Scott