
[jsr338-experts] Re: updated spec draft: unsynchronized persistence contexts

From: Rainer Kwesi Schweigkoffer <kwesi_at_sap.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 10:29:27 +0100

Hi Linda, all,

Am 21 Nov 2011 um 14:41 hat Linda DeMichiel geschrieben:

> Hmmmm... Only container-managed persistence contexts can be designated
> as SynchronizationType.(UN)SYNCHRONIZED and referred to as such, so I thought
> this point was pretty clear. I'll make a sweep through the spec to verify
> though.

This is what I got, too, however at some passages of the spec I felt
unsure whether an application-managed persistent context could be
meant to implicitly be considered as of type
SynchronizationType.UNSYNCHRONIZED (like it always is of
PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED) and whether a phrase like "a
persistence context of type SynchronizationType.UNSYNCHRONIZED" was
always applying to container-managed persistence contexts designated
as of type SynchronizationType.UNSYNCHRONIZED only. In short, I
would have preferred "container-managed persistence context of type
SynchronizationType.(UN)SYNCHRONIZED" to be used consistently all
over the place.
> > Actually, I am still not convinced that this addNamedQuery method on
> > the EMF is the way to go rather than an EMF creation callback that
> > allows adding of named (criteria) queries before the EMF becomes
> > available. In April/May the discussion seemed to me to take that
> > direction.
> >
> I believe the issue here was that EMF creation time is not specified and may
> occur before any components which would receive these callbacks.

In that case, maybe the term "creation callback" is somewhat
misleading. At least before the EMF (or the resulting EM) gets
injected (or looked-up) the component must be available. We would
therefore need kinda pre-inject callback triggered by the container.

Best regards
Rainer Schweigkoffer                      SAP AG Walldorf
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