Hi Linda, all,
Linda DeMichiel, am 26 Aug 2011 hast Du um 12:00 zum Thema "[jsr338-experts] unsynchronized persistence conte" geschrieben :
> Proposal:
> The persistence context remains joined to (synchronized with) the
> transaction until the transaction commits or rolls back. After the
> transaction commits or rolls back, the persistence context will not be
> synchronized with any subsequent transaction unless the joinTransaction
> method is invoked in the scope of that subsequent transaction.
Would add an "if extended" or something alike here for clarity.
> A persistence context of type SynchronizationType.UNSYNCHRONIZED must
> not be flushed to the database unless it is joined to a transaction.
> Both the persistence provider and the application are prohibited from
> flushing to the database until the point that a transaction has been
> joined. The application's use of queries with pessimistic locks, bulk
> updates/delete queries, etc. result in the provider throwing the
> TBDException. (If the application has specified FlushMode.AUTO, it
> must be ignored by the provider when executing queries.) [Open Issue:
> should this be IllegalStateException or a new JPA exception?] After
> the persistence context has been enlisted in the JTA transaction,
> these operations are again allowed.
I'd also go for a TRE here.
> effect upon the persistence context. It is recommended that the
> persistence provider use a non-JTA datasource for an unsynchronized
> persistence context that has not been joined to a JTA transaction to
> alleviate the risk of integrating uncommitted changes into the
> persistence context in the event that the transaction is later rolled
> back.
Could you work out a bit more on this ?
> Subject to the above requirements, a synchronized persistence context
> or an unsynchronized persistence context may be propagated into a
> component that specifies an unsynchronized persistence context. An
> unsynchronized persistence context may only be propagated into a
> component that specifies an unsynchronized persistence context. The
> attempt to propagate an unsynchronized persistence context into a
> component that specifies a synchronized persistence context causes the
> EJBException to be thrown. [OPEN ISSUE: Is this the right exception?
> Should we relax this if the PC has been joined to the transaction?]
Actually, I would believe that inheritance based on the actual
transaction participation with divergent defined state might be a bit
Best regards
Rainer Schweigkoffer SAP AG Walldorf
Business Solution & Technology TD Core JS&I
Technology Development Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
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