Hi Pinaki,
I was hoping something might be worked out along the lines of what
the provider's actions would be -- e.g., states along the lines of:
needed of course, especially if you want to capture pre- and post-flushed
status, but just trying to capture semantics at this point):
Would you view your proposal as compatible with that approach?
On 7/14/2011 9:07 AM, Pinaki Poddar wrote:
> The nature of concerns Rainer had raised on lifecycle state definition and
> transitions are pertinent.
> A comprehensive coverage of object lifecycle states and retrofit them with
> existing vendor implementations will require a broader scope than this
> specific proposal.
> Regards --
> Pinaki Poddar
> Chair, Apache OpenJPA Project http://openjpa.apache.org/
> JPA Expert Group Member
> Application& Integration Middleware
> From: Linda DeMichiel<linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com>
> To: jsr338-experts_at_jpa-spec.java.net
> Date: 07/13/2011 02:48 PM
> Subject: [jsr338-experts] Fwd: ChangeSet proposal [was Re: Re:
> Standardized Access to ChangeSet]
> Experts,
> This proposal has received only minimal feedback so far. I'd appreciate
> if you all could weigh in on both the general direction and the specifics.
> thanks,
> -Linda
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [jsr338-experts] ChangeSet proposal [was Re: Re: Standardized
> Access to ChangeSet]
> Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2011 12:50:50 -0700
> From: Linda DeMichiel<linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com>
> Reply-To: jsr338-experts_at_jpa-spec.java.net
> Organization: Oracle Corporation
> To: jsr338-experts_at_jpa-spec.java.net
> CC: Pinaki Poddar<ppoddar_at_us.ibm.com>, Adam Bien<abien_at_adam-bien.com>
> At my request Pinaki and Adam have been kind enough to work together
> to draft a concrete proposal for access to the entities in a
> persistence context according to their life cycle states.
> Their latest proposal draft follows below. Please post feedback to
> the group.
> regards,
> -Linda
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Proposed addition in Section 3.2.8
> Access to Managed Entities
> --------------------------
> An entity managed by in a persistence context transits through different
> life cycle states.
> For example, when
> the entity is realized from a database it begins in a clean state and
> updating any of its
> persistent properties by the application would make the entity transit to a
> dirty state.
> An application may require to access the managed entities in a persistence
> context by their
> life cycle states. The following section describes these lifecycle states
> and the API methods
> to access managed entities in a particular state.
> Life Cycle States of a managed Entity
> --------------------------------------
> The life cycle states of an entity is enumerated in
> javax.persistence.LifeCycleState.
> package javax.persistence;
> public enum LifeCycleState {
> NEW, // newly persisted in the current transaction
> CLEAN, // present in the current transaction but not modified
> DIRTY, // present in the current transaction and modified
> HOLLOW, // referred in the current transaction (see getReference()),
> // but its persistent state may or may not be populated
> REMOVED // marked for deletion
> }
> Definition of each life cycle state
> -----------------------------------
> NEW represents the state of an entity which has been instantiated via new
> operator of Java language
> and added to the persistence context either directly via persist() method
> or is indirectly reachable
> via cascaded relation to another instance which has been merged via merge()
> method.
> CLEAN represents the state of an entity which has been retrieved from the
> database via query of find()
> and has not been modified.
> DIRTY represents the state of an entity which has been retrieved from the
> database and subsequently
> modified. Modification implies that either any of it non-relational
> property value has been changed
> or any of relation has changed to a new reference. Modification does not
> imply change in content of
> a many-valued relation. For example, if a parent object P has a many-valued
> relation to a collection
> C of child objects, then adding a new child object in the collection C does
> not dirty the parent P.
> But replacing the collection C itself by another collection does.
> HOLLOW represents the state of an entity which can be referred in the
> persistence context but
> its persistent state is not populated. This state occurs when an entity is
> obtained via getReference()
> method that was not present in the current context.
> REMOVED represents the state of an entity which has been removed either via
> direct remove() operation
> or indirectly via cascaded relation to another instance which has been
> removed.
> It is important to note that the states are not strictly mutually
> exclusive. An instance could be
> newly persisted (i.e. NEW state) as well as marked for removal (i.e.
> REMOVED stated) in the same context.
> However, DIRTY and REMOVED are mutually exclusive.
> Access by Life Cycle State
> --------------------------
> The managed instances are queried by their life cycle states via
> EntityManager interface.
> The resultant set contains the entities currently managed by the
> persistence context
> and satisfying the given conditions on their life cycle state and state of
> synchronization
> to the database. Because the state of a member entity can change later in
> way that the basic
> condition of its membership may not be valid anymore. For example, a CLEAN
> entity may be
> modified to change in DIRTY state. Hence the resultant set reflects the
> persistence context
> at the time of invocation.
> The access API also uses a tertiary condition to designate the state of
> synchronization of
> an entity with the database i.e. whether an entity has been flushed or not
> to the database.
> Flush operation does not change the life cycle state.
> package javax.persistence;
> import java.util.Set;
> public interface EntityManager {
> /**
> * Get the set of entities managed by this persistence context and
> satisfies the given conditions.
> *
> * @param entityType the entity must be an instance of the given type
> or any of its sub-type.
> * null implies entity of any type.
> * @param includeFlushed flags if the resultant set based on life
> cycle states is further filtered
> * by flushed state of the entities.
> *<tt>true</tt> implies the resultant set will
> include entities whose state
> * are currently synchronized to the database by
> flushing
> *<tt>false</tt> implies the resultant set will
> include entities whose state
> * are not currently synchronized to the database by
> flushing
> * null implies the resultant set will include
> both synchronized and
> * unsynchronized entities
> * @param states the states to be interrogated. If multiple states are
> specified then each member
> * of the resultant set will satisfy at least one of
> the life cycle state condition,
> * essentially the states are ORed.
> * Note that a null value implies any life cycle
> state.
> *
> *
> * @return an immutable set of managed entities where each member is
> in at least one of the given life
> * cycle states and an instance of the given entity
> type and in the given flushed state.
> * The set contains the members as per their life
> cycle state at the point of invocation
> * of this method. If any of the members change their
> life cycle state later, this
> * resultant set is<em>not</em> updated, i.e. this
> set is<em>not</em> live.
> * The members of the set refer the same entities
> managed by the persistence context.
> * Hence it is possible that that a member may not
> satisfy the original condition
> * of set membership at a later point in time.
> */
> <T> Set<T> getManagedEntities(Class<T> entityType, Boolean
> includeFlushed, LifeCycleState... states);
> Example:
> EntityManager em = ...;
> Set<?> flushedDirtySet = getManagedEntities(null, true,
> LifeCycleState.DIRTY);
> will return the set of entities that are dirty but had been flushed
> to the database.
> EntityManager em = ...;
> Set<?> newCustomers = getManagedEntities(Customer.class, null,
> LifeCycleState.NEW, LifeCycleState.CLEAN);
> will return the set of Customer entities that are either newly
> persisted or fetched but not modified
> in this transaction irrespective of whether they had been flushed
> to the database.