Thanks for the reply. I'm heading for JavaOne India first thing tomorrow
morning. So I should be able to send a short example or code quotes as soon
as I'm back. Tursday or Friday.
If I catch either of them, I may also have a word with Arun Gupta or Shaun
Smith (who speaks on JPA/TopLink there on a few occasions) about it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gordon Yorke" <gordon.yorke_at_oracle.com>
To: <jsr338-experts_at_jpa-spec.java.net>
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 8:17 PM
Subject: [jsr338-experts] Re: @Enumerated ignored directly on Enum class
> Hello Werner,
> Can you show an example of what it is you are wanting to do?
> --Gordon
> Werner Keil wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I came across a strange behavior regarding the
>> @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) annotation when used directly on an Enum
>> class.
>> All code works perfectly fine storing an Enum as part of an @Embeddable
>> class, except for the annotation which is basically ignored in this case.
>> Once using a concrete enum type there instead it works.
>> Is there a reason for this or could it be fixed in 2.1?
>> Thanks,
>> Werner
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