I agree, JMS seems very relevant to the cloud to me, and modern web
based apps in general. Event or message driven apps are more and more
common, and JMS provides a good standard messaging platform. Making JMS
based systems directly accessible to applications running on web devices
(e..g in order to get "real time" data updates) is something we have
been doing for a while at Kaazing.
Chris Barrow
On 10/10/2016 5:49 AM, Evans Armitage wrote:
> We are currently using spring cloud technologies at work with IBM MQ
> as the messaging platform.
> We are using spring-cloud-stream modules for our micro-services which
> abstracts an integration technology into channels from the application
> side with the specific integration technology defined at runtime
> through a binder SPI. The spring-cloud-stream community is currently
> contributing a binder for JMS[1] to aid in binding to JMS providers at
> runtime. We have also just ran a topcoder initiative[2] to have an IBM
> MQ specific binder to be developed which was successfully completed[3].
> We were therefore quite surprised to see talk about JMS not being
> relevant for the cloud.
> Kind regards
> Evans Armitage
> [1]https://github.com/CalamarBicefalo/spring-cloud-stream-binder-jms
> [2]https://www.topcoder.com/challenge-details/30054732/?type=develop
> [3]https://github.com/CIBTN/finalFix-2-cloud-stream-binder-ibmmq-final
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 2:25 PM, Clebert Suconic
> <clebert.suconic_at_gmail.com <mailto:clebert.suconic_at_gmail.com>> wrote:
> I haven't seen anyone beyond Oracle saying JMS is not important to the
> cloud (I'm not including Nigel on this).
> So, I think everyone is in agreement that JMS is important, even
> for the cloud.
> Having said that, maybe it's too late to do anything for JavaEE 8 as
> it's due to be released too soon for us to do anything, but maybe we
> should move forward into proposing things that will be important on
> such environments and future EE releases.
> On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 10:22 PM, Lenny Primak
> <lprimak_at_hope.nyc.ny.us <mailto:lprimak_at_hope.nyc.ny.us>> wrote:
> > I think JMS spec is very, very important, even in today's
> microservice environment.
> > It is stable, easy (and getting easier) to use and should be
> basis for any new eventing proposals.
> > It needs to be moved forward.
> --
> Clebert Suconic