
[jsr343-experts] Where next for JMS?

From: Nigel Deakin <nigel.deakin_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 17:16:13 +0100

In a recent thread I was asked about the next version of JMS. It's a bit difficult for me to be definite, but this is
how I see things currently.

Full new revision

The next full revision of JMS will almost certainly need to follow the same timetable as the next revision of the Java
EE platform. JMS is part of Java EE and the two specs share the same reference implementation. I have been referring to
the next full revision as JMS 2.1 but that's not intended to imply anything about its content.

Planning and consultation for Java EE 8 is just getting started: there have been some discussions over on the Java EE
platform expert group and if you're interested it's worth subscribing to the users_at_javaee-spec.java.net alias or reading
the expert group archives at https://java.net/projects/javaee-spec/lists/jsr342-experts/archive/2013-09

Java EE joint spec lead Bill Shannon has said (this week) that the timetable for Java EE 8 would be "looking at 2.5 – 3
years after EE 7 (i.e., our usual pace)."

A new version of a spec requires a JSR (Java Specification Request) to be submitted and approved by the Executive
Committee, so our first goal as a JMS community should be to decide what should go into that. (For reference, the JSR
for JMS 2.0 can be seen at http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=343#1)

We already gave a long list of proposals in JIRA, which I have summarised in this Wiki page:

We'll need to work out in the coming weeks and months what our priorities are for JMS 2.1. However at this stage I'd
like to get as many ideas on the table as possible. So if you have a suggestion for JMS 2.1 - especially one not already
captured in that list - then please do share them with us. Please feel free to reply to this email, or start a new thread.

At JavaOne next week I'll be leading a BOF discussion "Where next for JMS?", jointly with expert group member John
Ament, which will give those who attend an opportunity to make their own suggestions. If you're at JavaOne next week
please do come and join us!

Maintenance release

In addition to a full revision there's the possibility of releasing a maintenance release (MR) ahead of the full
revision. A MR doesn't require a JSR and has a simpler release process. I think we should try to avoid releasing a MR if
we can, but if we do we should restrict it to minor spec corrections and clarifications and not use it to add new
features. Although a MR is in theory allowed to contain new features this is really only appropriate if the MR is being
created *instead of* a full revision (as was the case, for example, with JCA 1.7) rather than in addition to it.
Otherwise it increases the implementation and CTS testing work.
