
[jsr343-experts] For information: JSR-322 is starting

From: Nigel Deakin <nigel.deakin_at_oracle.com>
Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2012 19:22:53 +0000

For those who are interested, a maintenance release of the Java EE Connector Architecture is being planned, led by my
colleague Sivakumar Thyagarajan.

This project has a similar mailing list structure as JMS, so anyone is invited to visit connector-spec.java.net and
subscribe to users_at_connector-spec.java.net

Here's Siva's first message to the expert group.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [connector-spec-users] [jsr322-experts] Welcome to JSR-322
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 23:02:11 +0530
From: Sivakumar Thyagarajan <sivakumar.thyagarajan_at_oracle.com>
Reply-To: jsr322-experts_at_connector-spec.java.net
To: jsr322-experts_at_connector-spec.java.net


Welcome to the Java EE Connector Architecture Expert Group (JSR-322).

This message is to announce the formal launch of the Expert Group for
the first maintenance release(MR) of JSR 322 and to welcome you all as
members. Thanks again for offering to participate in JSR-322 and the
Java EE 7 Platform effort.

*Expert Group*
The expert group currently includes the following members:
Frederick W Rowe (IBM)
Jesper Pedersen (RedHat)
Wilson Tian (Oracle)

I will be playing the Specification Lead role for this work.

There are also a few more companies from the earlier JSR-322 expert
group who are still sorting out their representation etc., who I expect
will be joining us shortly. The current members of the expert group
and their contact information are listed on the expert group page at

*MR Scope*
Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6 (JSR-322) was a big success
in the Java EE 6 platform thanks to the active participation
and contribution of experts in this expert group.

It is time to enhance the work we had done in EE 6. Java EE 7
introduces new resource definition annotations, such as
@ConnectorResourceDefinition, @ConnectorResourceDefinitions,
@AdministeredObjectDefinition, @AdministeredObjectDefinitions.

New specifications such as JMS 2.0 and EJB 3.2 have also stated some
enhancement requests for their new features. This first maintenance
release [1] to the Connectors 1.6 specification is planned in the EE7
timeframe to address these requirements. Java EE 7 is time-driven
release, and we have a short time to get these changes in. Since this is
a maintenance release, the scope would be limited to address the above

*Issue Tracker*
We will use the JIRA issue tracker at
http://java.net/jira/browse/CONNECTOR_SPEC to track issues that we plan to
handle as part of this MR, and also track issues and enhancement
requests for future versions of the spec.

I will start filing issues in the issue tracker and send an email to the
EG mailing list for proposed changes to the spec starting next week.

To start things off, and so that we know that the connector-spec project
on java.net and the jsr322-experts mailing list are working correctly,
we would appreciate if you would reply with a brief note so we know
that we have you on the list correctly. It would be even more helpful
to send this reply to the group with a brief self-introduction and a
note about how you have been involved with the Connectors technology.

Please feel free to send any comments or concerns you might have
directly to me.

*Mailing Lists*
My next message will address the logistics for arranging for members
of your company to view the email sent to the expert group.

Thanks again for participating! I am looking forward to working
with all of you in this MR.

Sivakumar Thyagarajan
Connectors Specification Lead

[1] Maintenance release process: http://jcp.org/en/procedures/jcp2#5 and