I have created this JIRA issue:
Define what characters are valid in a durable (or shared subscription) name
The JMS 1.1 specification does not specify what characters are valid in a durable subscription name.
It is proposed that the JMS 2.0 specification defines a minimum set of characters which are valid in a durable or
non-durable subscription name.
This is needed to allow portable applications to be created. It is also needed because EJB_SPEC-41 states that if a MDB
is defined with {{subscriptionDurability}} set to {{Durable}} but {{subscriptionName}} is not set then the container
will automatically set {{subscriptionName}} to a suitably unique global name of the MDB, and the container vendor needs
to be sure that the name it generates will always be a legal subscription name.
Over on the EJB expert group they're discussing how to construct the default durable subscription name used for a MDB,
and one suggestion included "/" characters.
Does anyone know of any existing JMS providers which impose restrictions on what characters are valid?