
[jsr343-experts] Re: [jms-spec users] Re: Re: JMS Support for DI

From: Reza Rahman <reza_rahman_at_lycos.com>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 23:51:18 -0400


* I think this is where we may be running into a problem. CDI isn't
providing the JMS support, JMS has to provide either CDI support or
AtInject support or both. I don't know that there is much use in
- I think I answered this in my previous email. The basic point here is
that I think we can simply stick to JSR 330 annotations/concepts even if
the actual specification text/TCK/reference implementation is CDI based.
It makes it possible to create functionality that looks very similar to
this in non-Java EE environments without having to actually use CDI.
Alternatively, it is indeed possible to avoid JSR 330 and CDI altogether
in favor of JMS specific injection/resource management annotations.

* This is one case where injection needs to be done by the JMS
implementation, not just a CDI wrapper, since messages can only be
created by the implementation.
- I'm afraid I'm still not quite sure what you mean? Maybe we are just
miscommunicating here. Here is what I am thinking (taken directly from
my initial detailed proposal):

@Inject @JmsConnectionFactory("jms/MyConnectionFactory") TextMessage
message; // Transaction-aware proxy.
@Inject @JmsDestination("jms/MyQueue") MessageProducer producer; //
Transaction-aware proxy.

    private void send(String messageText) {
    message.setText(messageText); // Message created from underlying
session. The actual message is a delegate of the proxy.
    producer.send(message); // Producer created from underlying session.
The actual producer is a delegate of the proxy. The producer proxy
detects that it is dealing with a
                                                // message proxy and
unwraps the actual message instance. It passes it to the actual producer

What is the issue here? Is there a problem specific to the current Seam
JMS implementation?

* There should only be one way to provide the literal anyways, so why
not give it out of the box?
- The issue I see is that it introduces a specific API dependency on CDI
and it introduces a new API in addition to plain JMS that I'm not sure
has tangible value.

* What about when there's no container (e.g. SE)?
- In view of the fact that SE support is really more a "nice-to-have"
rather than a "must-have" in this case and this API duplicates what is
already available in a Java EE environment, I think we should defer this
until the JMS abstraction in Java EE environments is fully figured out,
which is the focus of the current effort.

Hope this makes sense.


On 8/30/2011 8:10 PM, John D. Ament wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 7:32 PM, Reza Rahman <reza_rahman_at_lycos.com
> <mailto:reza_rahman_at_lycos.com>> wrote:
> John,
> * Unfortunately, I don't think there's much we can provide if it's
> only JSR-330. Would we then require JMS implementations to
> support the Provider interface for all injectable interfaces?
> - As I mentioned, we can say that in a Java EE environment, CDI
> will provide the injection services and code the actual TCK that
> way. It's more of a question of keeping a focus on trying to stay
> limited to JSR 330 so that Spring/Guice/non-CDI JMS 2
> implementations in Java SE can provide the features easily.
> I think this is where we may be running into a problem. CDI isn't
> providing the JMS support, JMS has to provide either CDI support or
> AtInject support or both. I don't know that there is much use in
> * I don't know if it will work well in a multiple implementation
> environment.
> - Can you please elaborate? What specific concerns did you have in
> mind beyond the message/session binding ambiguity?
> This is one case where injection needs to be done by the JMS
> implementation, not just a CDI wrapper, since messages can only be
> created by the implementation.
> * One issue I know the seam guys ran into was that no literals
> were provided out of the box.
> - What was the specifics of the issue? Was it implementation
> related or JMS related?
> Just a lot of extra boilerplate code that may have not been necessary
> if it was provided for. There should only be one way to provide the
> literal anyways, so why not give it out of the box? It should just be
> API.
> * It's one example, we could require a CDI extension that injects
> as well.
> - I'm not sure I understand. Can you kindly elaborate? Why
> wouldn't JCA pluggability at the container level be enough?
> What about when there's no container (e.g. SE)? JCA plugability isn't
> defined within CDI so the only trigger would be the presence of an
> extension.
> * This goes back to the other side of my proposal. They won't
> need to be here, however for events to work they need to be
> - That's what I figured. I think if that part of the proposal does
> not have much support this time around, we could remove this for now.
> Potentially.
> * I'm not against using a standardized scope, but this sounds like
> something that we need to get clarified at the platform level or
> within CDI.
> - As I mentioned, I don't think we actually need a standardized
> scope for this at all. The actual transaction scope really is an
> implementation detail in this case (as is CDI per se). In fact,
> you could implement it the same way the JPA transactional context
> is implemented today, even with Spring.
> Cheers,
> Reza
> On 8/30/2011 7:02 PM, John D. Ament wrote:
>> Reza,
>> I have some comments inline.
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Reza Rahman
>> <reza_rahman_at_lycos.com <mailto:reza_rahman_at_lycos.com>> wrote:
>> John,
>> Overall, I think the @Inject support for JMS 2 proposal is a
>> good start. The way I see it, we should focus on getting this
>> right before spending too much time considering the other
>> approaches since it is the least intrusive and most flexible.
>> Specific concerns below that we could discuss further (tried
>> hard to be as concise as possible - please ask follow-up
>> questions):
>> * I think we should avoid making this CDI specific as much as
>> possible. I think all of this can really be done by just
>> sticking to the javax.inject APIs and concepts. We could add
>> a comment in the spec that these features would be
>> implemented using CDI in a Java EE environment. In terms of
>> the TCK, it might be necessary to use META-INF/beans.xml to
>> trigger injection. It would have been nice to just be able to
>> use @Resource for this, but the issue is that @Resource does
>> not have much flexibility in terms of adding the additional
>> meta-data that would be needed for this (it is also not that
>> readable as compared to the more general purpose @Inject and
>> might be treated as "legacy" in most Java EE 6 applications).
>> The big benefit to sticking to JSR 330 is that non-CDI
>> containers like Spring and Guice could still implement this
>> API as could some JMS providers that would support these
>> features in Java SE (in non-standard ways) and still not
>> require a CDI container. It is also the case that Spring
>> already supports concepts like the transaction scope that
>> could be leveraged to make this approach scalable in a
>> server-side environment (more on that below).
>> Unfortunately, I don't think there's much we can provide if it's
>> only JSR-330. Would we then require JMS implementations to
>> support the Provider interface for all injectable interfaces?
>> * I'd rather not add the AcknowledgeMode enumeration. If the
>> JMS API were designed today, this is the route we'd likely
>> go, but adding this now introduces a potentially confusing
>> redundancy that really does not provide much practical value
>> right now.
>> This relates back to a note that Nigel had passed around. the
>> existing methods would need not be modified, but new methods
>> could potentially use the enum. Plus, in this case we can make
>> more type safe. Perhaps the enums would have int values and the
>> necessary translation capabilities.
>> * @JmsCredentials is not really very appropriate in a Java EE
>> environment where such configuration would likely be
>> specified at the container/resource level.
>> Agreed, would only be useful in SE.
>> * I don't think MessageFactory is needed at all if we simply
>> allow for injecting proxied, transaction-scoped message
>> sub-types and enhancing message producers/consumers to
>> directly handle Objects (in fact, a major goal of DI is to
>> avoid such factories/resource look-ups). I detailed such a
>> mechanism in my initial write-up of this approach. I do know
>> Seam JMS does not support this today in part due to the
>> session/message coupling ambiguity but we could simply get
>> that ambiguity cleared up for JMS 2 instead of introducing a
>> potentially redundant API.
>> So I was thinking about this a bit more through the hurricane. I
>> decided that the method belongs best at the ConnectionFactory
>> level. I thought about injecting messages as you had said when
>> we met up, I don't know if it will work well in a multiple
>> implementation environment.
>> * I don't think JmsDestinationLiteral, JmsConnectionLiteral
>> or JmsCredentialsLiteral are needed at all. Where additional
>> programmatic flexibility is needed, it is sufficient to
>> simply inject and/or look-up higher level JMS
>> objects/resources like connection factories, destinations,
>> connections and sessions. The look-ups would be performed via
>> JNDI just as they are done today. Introducing these also
>> creates a CDI dependency that can be avoided.
>> One issue I know the seam guys ran into was that no literals were
>> provided out of the box. From my perspective, I think the
>> literals should be provided just to make it one last thing that
>> doesn't need to be boilerplate code.
>> * ConnectionProducer seems to be a CDI specific
>> implementation detail that can be avoided in favor of JCA
>> pluggability and existing Java EE container defaults. I think
>> this not really needed.
>> It's one example, we could require a CDI extension that injects
>> as well. Don't know if we even want to provide concrete classes
>> in the api at all at this point, but I think it would make some
>> things a bit easier.
>> * The implicit conversion is definitely a good idea the way I
>> see it. I think it should be supported for both sending and
>> receiving messages. I did mention this in my JMS utility API
>> proposal too.
>> * I think all usable non-deprecated JMS objects including
>> messages, temporary queues/topics and connection meta-data
>> should be injectable, not just connections, sessions, message
>> producers, message consumers and queue browsers. This would
>> be pretty easy to implement and add to usability. Now, I do
>> understand that this is not what is currently in Seam JMS. Is
>> the difficulty here the reliance on CDI producers as opposed
>> to creating custom proxies or is this just a simple oversight?
>> * I don't think @JmsConnection, @JmsDestination, etc need be
>> qualifiers.. They can simply be plain annotations. Making
>> them qualifiers adds a needless dependency and I can't think
>> of a case where it is actually necessary to use these
>> annotations as qualifiers?
>> This goes back to the other side of my proposal. They won't need
>> to be here, however for events to work they need to be.
>> * The issue of correct scoping for the injected JMS objects
>> is pretty critical to guaranteeing scalability across
>> different container
>> implementations/applications/environments. I do know that
>> Seam JMS currently has these injected objects in the
>> dependent scope, in part because there is not yet a standard
>> @TransactionScoped for CDI as of yet. The problem is that
>> having these objects in the dependent scope will eventually
>> cause the connection pool to run out if the objects are
>> injected into very long-lived objects such as Servlets,
>> pooled stateless session beans, singletons and application
>> scoped services. This is basically the opposite problem of
>> the connection thrashing that happens with Spring
>> JmsTemplate. JPA avoids this problem by making the
>> persistence context transaction scoped by default and caching
>> underlying logical sessions/connections per transaction (and
>> limiting the extended persistence scope option to stateful
>> session beans). We can specify the same thing for injected
>> JMS objects in addition to specifying inter-dependencies for
>> intermediate JMS objects to maximize resource re-use. For
>> reference, I outlined the solution that we had for Resin in
>> my initial detailed proposal. Now, implementing transaction
>> scoped resources does typically require some vendor-specific
>> code to interact with the underlying transaction manager.
>> This can be modularized very easily just as is done for
>> EclipseLink as well as JBoss/Hibernate (I am sure the folks
>> responsible for that code base could easily help us if
>> needed). We also have a @TransactionScoped annotation
>> implemented in Resin that might help here. As such, this
>> could be specified without explicitly specifying CDI either
>> and just sticking to JSR 330.
>> I'm not against using a standardized scope, but this sounds like
>> something that we need to get clarified at the platform level or
>> within CDI.
>> Hope this makes sense. Is it a good idea to have another
>> conference call to sort some of this out? Alternatively or in
>> addition to, I am happy to meet in person again as well.
>> Cheers,
>> Reza
>> On 8/17/2011 9:40 AM, Nigel Deakin wrote:
>> Many thanks, John, for your work in drafting these
>> documents. I look forward to reading them.
>> I think sending these round as attachments is fine for
>> now. This allows the expert group, and subscribers to the
>> user alias, to read them. Please use this email thread
>> for questions and comments. I'm sure I will have some of
>> my own soon.
>> I agree with John that we should seek comments as soon as
>> possible, so please respond within two weeks, after which
>> I hope we can draw some general conclusions as to what
>> the next step should be. In addition to any more detailed
>> comments, please think about the higher-level topics,
>> such as whether you agree with the general direction
>> taken by each document or whether you would prefer a
>> different direction. Please consider the implications for
>> both SE and EE.
>> I think the way John has presented this as to separate
>> documents is very helpful. To help us all manage the
>> comments that are made, I suggest we submit our comments
>> on each document separately.
>> Use *this* thread ("JMS Support for DI") to discuss
>> John's first document (JMS Support for AtInject).
>> I'll start another thread to discuss John's second
>> document "JMS 2.0 Event Messaging".
>> If you have questions about the DI/CDI technology itself,
>> ask them in either thread. I'm sure the rest of us would
>> be interested as well.
>> (I appreciate I'm being a bit prescriptive about email
>> subject lines, but it really does help me ensure that
>> every comments gets considered properly, especially when
>> I go back to old threads which I intended to do shortly)
>> Nigel
>> On 17/08/2011 02:14, John D. Ament wrote:
>> > Hello All,
>> >
>> > Attached are documents containing my proposal for CDI
>> support in JMS 2..0. There are two documents:
>> >
>> > 1. JMS2.0AtInjectSupport - this document describes
>> basic injection capabilities that are desirable to JMS
>> 2.0. These
>> > injection capabilities allow for the injection of
>> the standard JMS client APIs into any managed object
>> within a bean
>> > archive. This document also describes some minor
>> API changes that I believe would help simplify development.
>> > 2. JMS2.0EventMessaging - this document describes a
>> mapping process from POJOs to JMS Messages, usage of the
>> CDI Event
>> > model API to send events that were observed as JMS
>> messages to specified destinations and to handle incoming JMS
>> > messages as CDI events.
>> >
>> >
>> > I started to put these up on the wiki, however the
>> formatting support in the wiki doesn't seem to be there
>> for how I was
>> > looking to structure the documents, but I'll work on
>> getting them in; I really wanted to get the documents out
>> there as
>> > I work with the wiki. I recommend reading these
>> documents in the numbered order as listed in this email.
>> I tried very
>> > hard to not make them dependent on one another, however
>> there are some shared contents between them. It makes
>> sense to
>> > support both if either is chosen for support, however
>> there is no required behavior between the documents that
>> is no
>> > touched upon by both. I'm not sure what the process
>> should be for review, but I figure we should set a time
>> limit on
>> > the review period, maybe 2 weeks? (Nigel, I hope you
>> can provide some feedback on a timeline, since one of the
>> issues we
>> > noted on the call was a time frame for draft). I
>> assume all comments should be posted back to the EG, If
>> anyone would
>> > like to ask me specific questions related to CDI, I
>> assume it's fine to ask directly. As a note, these should be
>> > considered in parallel to Reza's documentation on a
>> Spring-styled API.
>> >
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> >
>> > John
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