Hi Fabrizio,
I'm sorry, we are currently not looking into mentioned issue.
I briefly looked into the code and I believe that CommonConfig should be
recreated during the reload, but I'd need to debug it to be sure.
Would it be possible to extract your usecase to a minimal reproducer and
share it?
Thanks and regards,
On 17/03/2017 11:19, Fabrizio Cucci wrote:
> Hi Jersey team,
> is there anyone looking into https://java.net/jira/browse/JERSEY-3225 ?
> Also, after re-reading my own report, I realized something else. In my
> case, the ImmediateScopeFeature is removed from the
> CommonConfig#newFeatureRegistrations and this is the reason why it's
> not re-configured on Container#reload. But this means that,
> potentially, any other custom feature won't be re-configured upon
> Container#reload.
> Is it by design?
> Thanks,
> Fabrizio