[Jersey] Get deserialized POST request body as map in aop advice?

From: Rj Ewing <>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2016 09:14:54 -0800

I am using spring aop to wrap my jersey services to provide a way to do api

I am taking the requested resource version and transforming the request to
the latest version, running the resource method, and then transforming the
response to the requested version.

I am running into a bit of a problem accessing the request body params.

Is there a way in jersey to get the request body parameters that didn't map
to a specific resource method param?


Request body contains: "param1", "param2"

matching resource method contains params: "@FormParam("param1") String

Is there a way to get "param2" from say the HttpServletRequest after jersey
has read the input stream?