[Jersey] Re: stateless REST

From: Martynas Jusevičius <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2016 01:25:41 +0200

The component that keeps the state server-side it the persistent
store. Besides that, it is not necessary to keep any state in the
object layer which is client-specifing or spanning request. All
processing should be done per-request, using request body and headers
only. If it is a GET request, state is queried from the permanent
store, otherwise state is change in it.

HTTP and REST hypermedia define a uniform protocol, URIs are uniform
identifiers. The last piece of a uniform hypermedia API: RDF, uniform
data model. We've designed an approach that combines these
technologies and enables a single, generic read-write web API:


On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 12:13 AM, Trenton D. Adams
<> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> Thanks for the response.
> So, you're using REST, but not maintaining state server side, yes? i.e. no
> sessions. So, when you can't commit data to a database, until all of the
> data is obtained, in your experience, how do you maintain that data until
> the process is complete?
> Do you use HTML5 session storage?
> Do you not use JAX-RS for user responses (e.g. Jersey templates)?
> I'm curious. Partly because it seems like a lot of work to not have the
> server maintain state. When the server maintains state, I can set all
> variables from page 1 to page n on the server side, and use only a reference
> to that object, and continue doing so until I'm complete, and I commit.
> This is what makes EJB look so good to me.
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 3:55 PM, Jason Lee <> wrote:
>> I don't think that's a true statement ("The use of REST precludes
>> maintaining state server side"). Of course the server-side maintains state:
>> it has to have SOMETHING to transfer to the client, right? :) What the
>> server-side should NOT do, in a pure RESTful architecture, is store some
>> sort of client-specific state such as we might be used to used to doing with
>> session-scoped beans in, say, a JSF application. In other words, it
>> shouldn't have the notion of a client's *session* (including things like a
>> client's current step in a wizard), but it certainly needs *state* ("no
>> client context being stored on the server between requests").
>> To address the "where to put the application logic" question from earlier
>> in the thread, the server can (and should! :) react when the state changes
>> in certain ways to perform system-specific processing. For example, the
>> client updates the state of an Order entity to, say, SUBMITTED, the server
>> notices this change (through means that aren't relevant here), and begins
>> some sort of processing in the background.
>> Moving all of the app's logic to the client is probably not a wise move
>> for a number of reasons, though there will almost certainly be SOME logic
>> there, such as validation, page flow coordination, etc.
>> Having said all of that, we've tended to be pretty pragmatic on the
>> systems I've worked on, adhering as strictly as possible to Fielding's
>> notions, but deviating, grudgingly, when it made sense to do so (i.e., a
>> strictly RESTful implementation would make the APIs usage slow, chatty,
>> cumbersome, etc). For example, for authentication, one system had an
>> endpoint to authenticate a user that would return an auth token (it might
>> actually have been called a session ID :) that subsequent calls would then
>> send in lieu of credentials. This was done, in part, so that if the token
>> were intercepted and used, all that would be exposed to an attacker is that
>> session and not the user's credentials (SSL helps, of course).
>> Oh, and if I'm ever asked to implement HATEOAS again, I'll be tempted to
>> rage quit. That was a terrible experience. :)
>> At any rate, history (and personal experience ;) shows you CAN build
>> complex applications with JAX-RS, but you do have to change how you think
>> about designing the system.
>> On 6/10/16 2:38 PM, Trenton D. Adams wrote:
>> Your descriptions of what REST is what I would like it to be, but it isn't
>> that, accrording to most everything I've read on it. If you're storing
>> state, you're not using REST. The use of REST precludes maintaing state
>> server side. I'm tempted to use JAX-RS regardless, and just not use the
>> statelessness part.
>> Stateless
>> See also: Stateless protocol
>> The client–server communication is further constrained by no client
>> context being stored on the server between requests. Each request from any
>> client contains all the information necessary to service the request, and
>> session state is held in the client. The session state can be transferred by
>> the server to another service such as a database to maintain a persistent
>> state for a period and allow authentication. The client begins sending
>> requests when it is ready to make the transition to a new state. While one
>> or more requests are outstanding, the client is considered to be in
>> transition. The representation of each application state contains links that
>> may be used the next time the client chooses to initiate a new
>> state-transition.[12]
>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 1:04 PM, Robert Gacki
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Trenton,
>>> I think, you misunderstand what REST is. REST is about how a server and
>>> a client interacts to transfer state. The transport itself is stateless
>>> ("dumb pipes"). It is an architectural style. The notion of state is
>>> something the client and server have to implement themself. What REST
>>> describes is nothing else what HTTP specifies, but is not limited to
>>> HTTP (think of mail). In fact, Roy Fielding just took HTTP as an
>>> example for REST in his dissertation.
>>> OSI Layer
>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>> | Your server and/or client application | L |
>>> ---------------------------------------------- a |
>>> | REST as architectural style | y 7 |
>>> ---------------------------------------------- e |
>>> | HTTP|MAIL|<other req / res based protocols>| r |
>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>> Layer 6 and below
>>> JAX RS is only about modelling REST principles and Jersey provides the
>>> implementation. That does not include state management. So you should
>>> see JAX RS as the protocol toolset ("dumb pipes") to build
>>> applications. What you call stateful is application state and that is
>>> always application / implementation specific. For example, the notion
>>> of a session is purely application specific.
>>> So Jersey, at its core, does not provide you with components to build
>>> things like a wizard. But it provides you the ability to build or use
>>> existing components, like JSR 371 and its implementations.
>>> To your wizard example: You can solve wizards with different methods.
>>> You described one solution, where the server does not store results of
>>> previous wizard steps. Each solution has advantages and disadvantages.
>>> But all solutions have something in common: they are application
>>> specific. If you use HTTP as a communication protocol, you can use REST
>>> principles to have a well-defined architectural style. But you still
>>> need to figure out how to maintain state between a request and
>>> response.
>>> An important part of REST is Hypermedia. For HTTP, this is just
>>> payload. For an application built by REST principles, it is the state
>>> that is transfered. And that state should include all information
>>> necessary for server or client to support continous interactions. If
>>> you use your browser and surf around, clicking on links or signing in
>>> into your Google account, you are doing exactly what REST proposes for
>>> all other media types - not just HTML.
>>> So your wizard solution is based on HTML (a representation) and is
>>> constraint by the HTML specification and how browsers behave. Thus, you
>>> may lose form field values when you use the browser's back button. But
>>> you can do three things to counter that without storing state server-
>>> side (outside request-response bounds): 1) You can provide a back
>>> button inside the form that just submits to the server - the server
>>> renders the previous page with the values from the hidden fields. 2) In
>>> modern browsers, with Javascript enabled, you can store the state
>>> client side and restore it when the user goes back. 3) SPAs mostly
>>> avoid the problem by avoiding round-trips to the server, with the
>>> disadvantage of cloning lots of server-side logic for the client
>>> (validation, business logic).
>>> Robert
>>> Am Freitag, den 10.06.2016, 12:11 -0600 schrieb Trenton D. Adams:
>>> > Thanks for the responses guys. I'm thinking more along the lines of
>>> > JAX-RS implementations, such as Jersey, providing a template based
>>> > approach, where the result can be served by JSP. Technically, that's
>>> > almost useless when doing it statelessly, unless your service is
>>> > intended to return HTML to a client program, or you intend to violate
>>> > the statelessness of REST. Cause like you say, writing BBAs, is
>>> > actually quite tough without some nice statefulness.
>>> >
>>> > JSR 371 will be coming out too. Are they still expecting stateless?
>>> > Cause it suddenly becomes less useful. Maintaining all the state in
>>> > the browser's store is a lot of extra work, and just a plain weird
>>> > way of dealing with it.
>>> >
>>> > On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 10:07 AM, <> wrote:
>>> > > Trenton, I feel your pain.
>>> > > In all honesty, the technology architecture didn’t change all that
>>> > > much in the last 10 years.
>>> > > Don’t get caught up in the Rest/Microservices hype too much.
>>> > > For BBAs (boring business apps) which I believe that you are
>>> > > dealing with (and I also like developing),
>>> > > it makes very little sense migrating to Rest-based architecture.
>>> > > Concentrate on cleaning, refactoring, modularizing your code, using
>>> > > the latest iterations of Java EE specs that you are already using.
>>> > >
>>> > > So, why all the hype?
>>> > > Current Rest “state-of-the-art” today is actually in it’s very
>>> > > infancy. It makes sense for some applications to do it though, but
>>> > > not for BBAs.
>>> > > What apps does the Stateless Rest APIs make sense for?
>>> > > - Multiple clients written separately by different teams (i.e.
>>> > > native iOS, native Android, native JavaScript)
>>> > > - APIs that other companies use in different (non-Java) languages
>>> > > - There are some other use cases also, but the above are the major
>>> > > ones
>>> > >
>>> > > What’s the negative impact of Rest services today, as it relates to
>>> > > Java client and server development?
>>> > > - Massive violation of DRY principle, as it’s really meant for
>>> > > client and server to be written in different languages,
>>> > > i.e. client in JavaScript/iOS/Android and server in Java
>>> > > - Data models are duplicated both in Java (on the server) and on
>>> > > the client (JS/iOS/Android)
>>> > > - Validation is duplicated on the client and server
>>> > > - Some business logic may need to be duplicated in the client and
>>> > > server
>>> > >
>>> > > The above negatives are something that are not solved by the
>>> > > industry quite yet, and for BBAs, (IMHO) is not worth the effort.
>>> > >
>>> > > As far as answering your specific question, in “pure” Rest API, All
>>> > > state is indeed handled by the client, including authentication.
>>> > > Authentication is usually handled by “bearer token” paradigm, is
>>> > > sent with every request to the server, and thus re-authenticated by
>>> > > the server every time.
>>> > > Yes, it sounds (and is) a bit less efficient on per-request basis
>>> > > (throughput per instance), but does (horizontally) scale better to
>>> > > millions of users.
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > > On Jun 9, 2016, at 4:40 PM, Trenton D. Adams <trenton.d.adams_at_gma
>>> > > >> wrote:
>>> > > >
>>> > > > One thing I didn't mention, is that I'm considering updating one
>>> > > > of our enterprise apps to more modern technologies, where it
>>> > > > actually saves effort. It is currently based on RMI, with a
>>> > > > custom web front-end/mvc framework based on a the command
>>> > > > pattern. So, I'm trying to determine whether we should do EJB or
>>> > > > JAX-RS for the back-end, and possibly JAX-RS for the front end.
>>> > > > One of the issues is that EJB is almost a drop in replacement for
>>> > > > RMI. It would require significant more effort to switch to JAX-
>>> > > > RS.
>>> > > >
>>> > > > When the back end is stateless, it's simply pushing the
>>> > > > complexity to the client. It is now the client that must do all
>>> > > > the work to know what it needs to send; i.e. it keeps it's own
>>> > > > state. For the back end, that's HIGHLY scale-able technology
>>> > > > wise, but has other drawbacks. With a stateful back-end, you
>>> > > > just set the firstname, lastname, birthdate, etc, and pass around
>>> > > > a reference to the back-end object, such as with EJB. Neither
>>> > > > the front end nor the back end have to maintain much state,
>>> > > > programmatically speaking; it's the service that does that (EJB
>>> > > > for example). This saves developer time, does it not?
>>> > > >
>>> > > > It seems that using the html5 stuff would be a pain in the butt.
>>> > > > Mainly because html5's storage system can't store a javascript
>>> > > > object even, so you can't even abstract your data storage. Plus,
>>> > > > we'd end up not supporting people with older machines/browsers.
>>> > > > And then, if you have a series of web pages that a person is
>>> > > > going through, you'd have to write code to grab all of that, and
>>> > > > pass it to the server.
>>> > > >
>>> > > > So, should I not use JAX-RS if I'm wanting to maintain state? I
>>> > > > mean it kind of goes against the "ST" in REST. Nothing actually
>>> > > > prevents you from maintaining state though.
>>> > > >
>>> > > > I've read some articles where people say you shouldn't even be
>>> > > > maintaining state of authentication. That I don't agree with,
>>> > > > because some services don't even have access to the user's
>>> > > > credentials. So at some point, someone is going to have to
>>> > > > maintain state. So, you could either not use JAX-RS, or use it
>>> > > > and maintain state while doing so, but essentially violate it's
>>> > > > principles.
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Also, doesn't statelessness become very complex when you have
>>> > > > larger enterprise applications?
>>> > > >
>>> > > > I see a lot of benefits of JAX-RS, and a lot of drawbacks. Am I
>>> > > > missing something?
>>> > > >
>>> > > > On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 5:46 PM, cowwoc <>
>>> > > > wrote:
>>> > > > > Define "application logic".
>>> > > > >
>>> > > > > In the case you mentioned below (storing the user's last name
>>> > > > > somewhere) I would favor using localStorage and sessionStore to
>>> > > > > store this information:
>>> > > > > storage.asp
>>> > > > > The client would read the information from the local store and
>>> > > > > use it to make AJAX calls.
>>> > > > >
>>> > > > > I misspoke earlier when I talked about Cookies. These are
>>> > > > > typically used to reference to a server-side state that is
>>> > > > > present across all calls. If some REST calls need one piece of
>>> > > > > information and others need another, I would pull them from the
>>> > > > > local/sessionStore and pass them to the AJAX calls as needed.
>>> > > > >
>>> > > > > Gili
>>> > > > >
>>> > > > >
>>> > > > > On 2016-06-08 7:40 PM, Trenton D. Adams wrote:
>>> > > > > > So are you saying push all the application logic to the
>>> > > > > > browser, using javascript? Are cookies really intended to
>>> > > > > > store a whole bunch of user data?
>>> > > > > >
>>> > > > > > I know with HTML5, you can use
>>> > > > > > sessionStorage.setItem("lastname", "last name"). But, I
>>> > > > > > don't think moving most application logic into a browser is
>>> > > > > > very maintainable, maybe I'm wrong though.
>>> > > > > >
>>> > > > > > On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 5:29 PM, cowwoc <cowwoc_at_bbs.darktech.o
>>> > > > > > rg> wrote:
>>> > > > > > > Without commenting on the specifics of Jersey, I agree:
>>> > > > > > > REST is for computers, not humans.
>>> > > > > > >
>>> > > > > > > I typically expose REST APIs for computers and use cookies
>>> > > > > > > to maintain browser sessions. The browser can then read
>>> > > > > > > stateful information from the Cookie and serve it to
>>> > > > > > > stateless REST APIs. Not all clients are web-browsers, so
>>> > > > > > > your REST API should be designed around non-browsers.
>>> > > > > > >
>>> > > > > > > Gili
>>> > > > > > >
>>> > > > > > >
>>> > > > > > > On 2016-06-08 5:58 PM, Trenton D. Adams wrote:
>>> > > > > > > > Good day,
>>> > > > > > > >
>>> > > > > > > > I'm a bit confused. I actually have two separate
>>> > > > > > > > questions. I understand that REST is supposed to be done
>>> > > > > > > > in a stateless way. For regular web services that's
>>> > > > > > > > easy. I mean it really shifts a lot of the work to the
>>> > > > > > > > client, where it seems to be more difficult to deal with,
>>> > > > > > > > but as far as the server goes, it's simple.
>>> > > > > > > >
>>> > > > > > > > However, how is it even possible to use jersey templates
>>> > > > > > > > without state (sessions), in a reasonable way? The
>>> > > > > > > > browser isn't going to maintain the state. It seems that
>>> > > > > > > > one would need to make sure each and every page puts
>>> > > > > > > > hidden inputs from the previous form, in the html output,
>>> > > > > > > > so that it is re-submitted with the new request. That
>>> > > > > > > > would be a lot of work. If the user presses the back
>>> > > > > > > > button, all that state vanishes, and the user must re-
>>> > > > > > > > enter any screens they go forward to again. This doesn't
>>> > > > > > > > make for a very good user experience.
>>> > > > > > > >
>>> > > > > > > > Can someone explain to me how the use of JAX-RS as an MVC
>>> > > > > > > > framework is even possible in a reasonable way, while
>>> > > > > > > > being stateless?
>>> > > > > > > >
>>> > > > > > > > Then, can someone explain to me how statelessness in a
>>> > > > > > > > back-end REST web service, promotes good code design,
>>> > > > > > > > where user interaction is a necessity? It seems to me
>>> > > > > > > > that the client would then need to maintain all the
>>> > > > > > > > state, thereby tightly coupling all the data points
>>> > > > > > > > between the different controllers on the client.
>>> > > > > > > > Something like EJB allows you to pass around the stateful
>>> > > > > > > > pointer, and you simply add data as you go.
>>> > > > > > > >
>>> > > > > > > > After reading this stack exchange post, it's sounding
>>> > > > > > > > like everyone thinks that REST is NOT for users, but for
>>> > > > > > > > services only.
>>> > > > > > > >
>>> > > > > > > > ations-are-supposed-to-be-stateless-how-do-you-manage-
>>> > > > > > > > sessions
>>> > > > > > > >
>>> > > > > > > > I understand that it's more scalable, as the server
>>> > > > > > > > always knows exactly what you want, because you're
>>> > > > > > > > telling it every time. But it seems like that would come
>>> > > > > > > > with a lot more boilerplate coding.
>>> > > > > > > >
>>> > > > > > > > Thanks.
>>> > > > > > > >
>>> > > > > > >
>>> > > > >
>>> > >
>> --
>> Jason Lee