I am trying to pass HTTP requests from a nano HTTP web server to a Jersey
ApplicationHandler. The way I create the application handler is shown below
ResourceConfig app = new ResourceConfig();
ApplicationHandler newHandler = new ApplicationHandler(app);
Where instances is an array of POJO's annotated with the jersey annotations
representing resources.
On each request received by the webserver I am calling the following code :
ContainerRequest request = new ContainerRequest(new URI(contextPath),
new URI(relativePath), session.getMethod().toString(), secContext,
Future<ContainerResponse> responseFuture = handler.apply(request);
ContainerResponse response = responseFuture.get();
Object entity = response.getEntity();
This code always results in a NotFound. I have stepped into it and can see
that the only routings available are for the application.wadl urls
What am I missing ?