[Jersey] custom injection resolvers

From: Trenton D. Adams <>
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2016 01:09:51 -0600

Good day,

I'm a bit confused. It's not clear to me how I get attribute data from my
custom annotations to the factory

I'm just playing around a bit, to make sure I understand how stuff works.
I've got a custom annotation...

public @interface SessionAttributeInject
    String attributeName();

My injection resolver ends up calling the system injection resolver...
return systemInjectionResolver.resolve(injectee, handle);

Which in turn calls my factory, where my provide() method simply grabs a
session attribute and returns it's value. That all works, but I wanted to
use the value of "attributeName" as the parameter to
session.getAttribute("attrName"). I don't see an obvious way of getting
that data from the injection resolver to the factor. Ideas?

The example provided in the Jersey documentation does not actually have any
annotation elements, and so it's not a valid example for this case. The
docs say "such as ability to automatically inject the instances based on
the annotation-provided metadata.", indicating the author sees the value in
accessing such metadata, but doesn't provide an example of doing so.

I can access the annotation elements just fine inside my injection
resolver, I simply don't know how to get it back to the factory.