[Jersey] Re: Jersey & CDI & Weld == No active contexts for scope type javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped

From: Thomas Meyer <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 18:31:14 +0200

Am 23.03.2016 9:28 nachm. schrieb Thomas Meyer <>:
> Hi,
> I did install all necessary libraries into Tomcat's lib/ directory, so
> they are available for all deployed webapps.
> Versions are:
> Tomcat 8.0.32
> Jersey 2.22.2 (servlet and ext-cdi1x)
> Weld 2.3.3.Final

Okay the trick seem to be to use ext-cdi1x-servlet and not ext-cdi1x and put those artifacts and their dependencies into Tomcat's lib directory. With this setup it's possible to deploy two wepapps with CDI support.

> and I did deploy two webapps into the webapps directory, both are using
> Tomcat is running with unpackWars=false.
> When only one webapp is deployed everything seems to work correctly.
> But when I install both apps into the webapp directoy I get a similar
> stacktrace like
> I.e. "org.jboss.weld.context.ContextNotActiveException: WELD-001303: No
> active contexts for scope type javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped"
> So is this bug or feature? what do you think about it
> with kind regards
> thomas