No, not exactly, unfortunately. Simply calling "register" does not seem
to "bind" the registered instance to be usable for injection.
On 09.03.2016 15:56, Maarten Boekhold wrote:
> Is something like this what you are looking for?
> Maarten
> On 9 March 2016 17:27:17 ax487 <> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am wondering about the correct way to register singletons in a
>> ResourceConfig. I have a class which has no trivial constructor so any
>> attempt to create a new instance using reflection will fail.
>> I did like the idea of using `registerInstance(new
>> SingletonExample(args))`. I tried this out with a singleton subclassing
>> `ApplicationEventListener`. In this case the singleton was used and
>> received events. However, as soon as I tried to `_at_Inject` the
>> `SingletonExample` into some resource I immediately got an exception.
>> I saw a related thread here:
>> The solution seems to be to use a factory like this:
>> register(new AbstractBinder() {
>> @Override
>> protected void configure() {
>> bindFactory(new SingletonFactory(new SingeltonExample(args)))
>> .to(SingletonExample.class)
>> .in(Singleton.class);
>> }
>> });
>> Where the `SingletonFactory` implements `Factory<SingletonExample>` and
>> always yields the same instance. This way I can inject the singleton and
>> everything works as it should. However, this approach introduces a lot
>> of overhead and I would really rather keep things simple.
>> I noticed that it is not possible to bind instances like this:
>> registerInstance(new SingletonExample(args))
>> .to(SingletonExample.class)
>> Am I missing something or is there really no easy way to register
>> singletons?
>> ax487