[Jersey] Re: Method dispatch based on MediaType

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 11:44:23 -0800

Hi Kevin,

for the first part: you can use "quality" params in produces
annotations, something like:


; this is taken from Jersey 2.x, but it should work in Jersey 1.x as well).

more formal definition can be found at:

The second one would be harder to do automatically, but you can always
do @Produces("*/*, qs=0,1"), which will be matched when
"application/pdf" is requested and can return
Response.status(406).build() or something like that..

Hope it helps,

On 02/11/15 11:29, Kevin Hale Boyes wrote:
> I have a resource with a couple of "search" methods.
> They can produce their output in either JSON or XML based on the
> request Accept header.
> So, my methods basically look like this:
> @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
> public Response searchReturningJSON(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
> return performSearch(request, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
> }
> @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)
> public Response searchReturningXML(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
> return performSearch(request, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML);
> }
> I'm hoping someone can help my with two things that I don't know how
> to do.
> I would like to have a default of JSON when the client gives */* for
> the Accept header.
> I would also like to (continue to) return a 406 error if the client
> asks for something different, like application/pdf.
> I'm using Jersey 1.19 in case it matters.
> Thanks,
> Kevin.