[Jersey] Re: Hello ,somebody could help me why this code always returning 404?

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 17:47:15 +0200

Hi Ken,

we will need to know more info - for example, how do you build this (is
it a war?), where do you deploy it, what returns 404?

looking at web.xml - you seem to use doc from Jersey 1.x
(com.sun.jersey.* classes), but you have Jersey 2 in
WebContent/WEB-INF/lib directory.

Maybe you should start with something which work - feel free to
check-out Jersey 2 examples:

try "helloworld-webapp" first.

Hope it helps,

On 02/10/15 17:36, Redmond_at_139. wrote:
> hello sir/madam
> this is my program in
> github, <qq://txfile/#>
> ,there are no errors in Eclipse,However it always returing the 404,any
> help would be appeciated.Although I'm not familar with Java,but with
> Google & Jersey docs,I have written the code and there are no
> errors,but it can't be started.I'm very confused.
> regards
> Ken