[Jersey] spring-like injection with Jersey

From: Patrick Lawler <>
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2015 10:55:02 -0400


Is it possible to do spring-like injection in Jersey without using the
jersey-spring integration?

Our project uses Jersey for RESTful web services. We want to move to a more
layered architecture and use injection to inject singletons into other
singletons that may be injected into yet other singletons. I have perused
and experimented with @Inject and gone over what I hope was relevant parts
of the Jersey and HK2 documentation and there did not seem to be an easy
way to do this. We will be doing a lot of injecting of many different
classes so did not want to create instances, nor do we want to create
Providers for each class that we want to inject. I did do a test with the
spring extension which works as expected though there are concerns about
how heavy it may be. Is there a way to get the HK2 injection working in a
similar manner?

We are using Jersey 2.19

simple example trying to use @Inject

public class MyRest {
   private MyService myService;

public class MyService {
   private MyDao myDao;

public class JerseyApplication extends ResourceConfig {

   public JerseyApplication(ServiceLocator serviceLocator) {
        register(new MyBinder());

public class MyBinder extends AbstractBinder {
    protected void configure() {
       bind(new MyDao()).to(MyDao.class);
       bind(new MyService()).to(MyService.class);

MyService gets successfully injected into the MyRest class, but the MyDao
does not get injected into the MyService class. I started down the path of
creating a provider, but that scenario just will not work for us given the
number of classes we would need to do this for.

The spring integration I tested with is:


and this worked just fine using @Service, @Repository and @Autowired

Any suggestions or pointers to relevant documentation would be appreciated.
