I meant to attach this expanded-trace screenshot...
On 6/28/2015 10:41 PM, Ric Bernat wrote:
> > I would try to get ServletContext for your application and check
> which Servlet/Filters are registered.
> How can I best get this info? Do you mean to get it at runtime (e.g.,
> set a breakpoint while developing or write code to log this
> information), or via jmx/jconsole, for example? We are using an
> xml-less configuration, so nothing in web.xml -- just classes I
> register in our Jersey application. We have not created any filters in
> our application.
> Yes, we are having a significant issue where 99.9% of our Jersey web
> services run quickly (e.g., 100ms), but there are about half a dozen
> web service calls per hour that take 30-120 /*seconds*/ (not ms). Some
> of these outliers have the JSR356 in the profiler output, but most
> actually do not. See the attached screenshot of a trace of an example
> call: 82,700ms in ApplicationHandler.handle(), and then 81ms in our
> application code. Any guidance you can give on tracking this down
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Actually, I just dug into the slow trace details a little further -- a
> trace that was not marked with JSR356 -- and, sure enough, I find:
> |org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter (WsFilter.java:46)
> |
> So, I need to figure out what is causing a WebSocket filter to be
> invoked, it seems.
> On 6/28/2015 5:50 PM, Pavel Bucek wrote:
>> Nope, Jersey does not implement WebSocket at all, so .. the issue
>> most likely is not in your application, but in the Tomcat runtime.
>> I would try to get ServletContext for your application and check
>> which Servlet/Filters are registered. If there is anything related to
>> WebSocket + it takes significant time (more than check for "Upgrade"
>> header), I'd report that to Tomcat as a bug in their implementation.
>> Regards,
>> Pavel
>> On 29/06/15 00:32, Ric Bernat wrote:
>>> Thanks, Pavel.
>>> Absolutely no instances of "@ServerEndpoint" in my code. I searched
>>> to be triple certain.
>>> Perhaps I can track down the problem by excluding dependencies
>>> required for WebSockets (and possibly generate a compile-time error).
>>> My (Gradle) Jersey/Tomcat dependencies look like this:
>>> dependencies {
>>> compile project(':core')
>>> compile(group:'org.glassfish.jersey.bundles',name:'jaxrs-ri',version:'2.18')
>>> compile(group:'org.glassfish.jersey.media',name:'jersey-media-multipart',version:'2.18')
>>> compile(group:'org.glassfish.jersey.media',name:'jersey-media-sse',version:'2.18')
>>> compile(group:'javax.servlet',name:'javax.servlet-api',version:'3.1.0')
>>> }
>>> dependencies {
>>> deftomcatVersion ='7.0.62'
>>> tomcat"org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-core:${tomcatVersion}",
>>> "org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-logging-juli:${tomcatVersion}"
>>> tomcat("org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-jasper:${tomcatVersion}") {
>>> excludegroup:'org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler',module:'ecj'
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Is there separate dependency for WebSockets in Jersey? Is it
>>> possibly included in jaxrs-ri, jersey-media-multipart, or
>>> jersey-media-sse above?
>>> ==========
>>> On 6/28/2015 3:20 PM, Pavel Bucek wrote:
>>>> Hi Ric,
>>>> I'm pretty sure that "Tomcat WebSocket (JSR356) Filter" invocations
>>>> are completely unrelated to SSE. Your assumption that Jersey SSE is
>>>> completely unrelated to WebSocket is correct.
>>>> Do you have any @ServerEndpoint annotated class in your
>>>> application? If no, then this might be bug in Tomcat WebSocket
>>>> Filter implementation, since the filter should not be registered
>>>> when not necessary + it should check for http upgrade header (which
>>>> is not there when you use SSE).
>>>> Hope it helps,
>>>> Pavel
>>>> On 28/06/15 19:52, Ric Bernat wrote:
>>>>> We are using Jersey SSE (Server-Sent Events), and I have been
>>>>> assuming that SSE is completely separate from / unrelated to
>>>>> WebSockets technology.
>>>>> However, in our APM monitoring tool for our Jersey/Tomcat
>>>>> application, I see references to "Tomcat WebSocket (JSR356)
>>>>> Filter" calls, and these have inordinately high response times:
>>>>> 60+ seconds (as opposed to around 200 milliseconds for our normal
>>>>> Jersey web service calls).
>>>>> Can anybody clarify whether these "Tomcat WebSocket (JSR356)
>>>>> Filter" calls are related to (required as part of) our use of
>>>>> Jersey SSE?
>>>>> Our SSE web services basically look like this:
>>>>> @GET
>>>>> @Produces(SseFeature.SERVER_SENT_EVENTS)
>>>>> @Path("/startsse")
>>>>> publicEventOutput startSse(@CookieParam("sessionKey") String sessionKey)throwsInterruptedException {
>>>>> EventOutput eventOutput = new EventOutput();
>>>>> // do some stuff
>>>>> return eventOutput;
>>>>> }
>>>>> Thanks in advance.