[Jersey] does Jersey SSE use WebSockets (JSR-356)?

From: Ric Bernat <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2015 10:52:01 -0700

We are using Jersey SSE (Server-Sent Events), and I have been assuming
that SSE is completely separate from / unrelated to WebSockets technology.

However, in our APM monitoring tool for our Jersey/Tomcat application, I
see references to "Tomcat WebSocket (JSR356) Filter" calls, and these
have inordinately high response times: 60+ seconds (as opposed to around
200 milliseconds for our normal Jersey web service calls).

Can anybody clarify whether these "Tomcat WebSocket (JSR356) Filter"
calls are related to (required as part of) our use of Jersey SSE?

Our SSE web services basically look like this:

publicEventOutput startSse(@CookieParam("sessionKey") String sessionKey)throwsInterruptedException {
    EventOutput eventOutput = new EventOutput();
    // do some stuff
    return eventOutput;

Thanks in advance.