I just tested the attached application <
https://github.com/sonyandy/jersey-test> with Jersey 2.18 and it works. Please try if switching to 2.18 will help.
> On 03 Jun 2015, at 02:39, Gordan Krešić <gordan.kresic_at_steatoda.com> wrote:
> Using Jersey 2.17, I'm facing exactly the same situation as described in
> this (resolved, fixed) bug:
> https://java.net/jira/browse/JERSEY-2299
> No matter what I try, Factory.dispose(...) is not called.
> I'm using workaround as described at http://stackoverflow.com/a/20200538
> (@Inject-ing CloseableService and registering my own Closeable), but it
> seems that Factory.dispose should be much cleaner way to do it, if it worked
> correctly.
> --
> Gordan Krešić
> Steatoda d.o.o.
> mailto:gordan.kresic_at_steatoda.com
> tel:// +385 1 38 32 456
> mob:// +385 91 514 9112