[Jersey] Help diagnosing why some GET responses are truncated...

From: Jeff <>
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 12:46:52 -0600

I've got a test application that hits an HTTP service on a few threads and
validates the response.

In this particular case, each response contains a small TAR file. The
contents of this TAR file is a small XML document that is a few hundred

In every run of this test it submits about 700 requests. Of those, I will
get 1 or 2 that will fail where the XML content is truncated.

I did a tcpdump on the server side and saw the response had the full
content. I initially thought it was an issue with my reading of the
response Entity.

However, when I enable Request/Response logging, the Jersey response log on
the client side shows the content is truncated before I attempt to read it.

I'm at a loss as to what to look for next. I don't see any errors until my
JAXB parser chokes on the partial XML.

Any pointers/suggestions on where to look next?

Jeff Vincent
See my LinkedIn profile at: