I am implementing a server with Jersey which have an endpoint receiving a
multipart/form-data entity with two parts. The first part is a short
string, and the second part is a possibly large zip file.
I need to extract some entries from the zip file (using java.util.zip
stuff), and then store the whole zip file on disk. I do not want to buffer
the whole zip file in memory.
How can I do that in an efficient way?
My current implementation uses jersey-media-multipart and do like below.
However, it seems like the implementation uses it's own temporary files
(named MIME*.tmp), so it seems redundant that I also create a temp file.
Can I get access to the implementation temp file somehow?
And it seems like the implementation's temp file is not properly cleaned up
if the file upload is cancelled in the middle.
public void endpoint(@FormDataParam("name") String name,
@FormDataParam("file") InputStream file) throws
IOException {
File tempFile = File.createTempFile("file", null);
try {
ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(tempFile);
// extract some entries from the ZipFile here
Path destinationPath = calcPath(name);
Files.move(tempFile.toPath(), destinationPath,
} finally {
Mikael Ståldal
Chief Software Architect
Phone: +46 8 545 91 572
Email: mikael.staldal_at_appearnetworks.com