Thanks Robert,
I've tried that approach (a variation of it anyway) and still get the
following exception:
org.glassfish.hk2.api.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: There was no object
available for injection at
I'm using the following to do the injection:
private ConfigurationManager configurationManager;
If I use @Context instead of @Inject (as per someone elses suggestion), I
don't get an exception but the class is not injected.
I can't help but think there's something missing here, is that code below
all I should have to do?
On Saturday, January 31, 2015, Robert DiFalco <>
> I'm not exactly sure what you are asking but if you have some service that
> you want to be able to inject into your Resource instances you can just add
> this to the constructor of your ResourceConfig class:
> register(new AbstractBinder() {
> @Override
> protected void configure() {
> bind(MyService.getInstance()).to(MyService.class);
> }
> });
> On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 1:11 PM, Dietz, Randall <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Can someone please point me to some up-to-date documentation that has an
>> example of how to add a singleton class to a Jersey (v2.15) REST API?
>> I have successfully built a REST application in Jersey, now all I want to
>> do is inject a Singleton class (that controls access to my central
>> configuration) in my service classes that is shared across all requests.
>> Really, really simple use case... but I've wasted hours trying to get it
>> working.
>> The problem I've encountered is that there are a number of "solutions" on
>> the InterWeb, but they're either out of date, confusing or just plain wrong.
>> Would appreciate some guidance or examples of how it should be done in
>> the latest Jersey.
>> Thanks -- Randall