[Jersey] Hateoas again

From: Robert DiFalco <>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 09:47:19 -0800

I notice that in JAX-RS you can do hateoas in two basic ways: Atom Links or
Link Header.

First off, is one more common than the other? Are there
advantages/disadvantages to each. I guess I could see Atom Links being a
little harder to handle since if you are using POJOs for JSON it will tack
on an extra field.

Another thing I noticed is that if you use Declarative Linking you have to
use "paths" and cannot specify a fully qualified href that includes the
Scheme and Authority. Is there a reason for that limitation or was it just
a choice made to make the API simpler?

Finally, is it possible to create Atom Links without annotating? For
example, the way we can currently call #link on the Response object.
