[Jersey] Exception handling under glassfish

From: Rick Schumeyer <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 09:43:00 -0400

I'm using jersey under Glassfish 4.1.

I'm trying to understand the best practice for exception handling. I don't
think that I'm doing right now is correct.

When an exception occurs, I would like to return a json object that
contains an error message.

Let's say I try to add a unit with a duplicate name. The jdbc layer will
throw a duplicate key exception. It appears that this exception is caught
by the container, and not by a try-catch block in the jersey resource.

For example, here is a POST method:

public Response createUnit(Unit unit) {
try {
                        // create the unit in the database
return Response.ok(unit).build();
} catch (Throwable e) {
